How do I edit the Default Layout? -...

User 2901653 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I am using version 16.1 and every time I open it, it shows a new "untitled" layout with the following already coded:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="generator" content="CoffeeCup HTML Editor (">
<meta name="dcterms.created" content="Sat, 01 Jun 2024 09:38:49 GMT">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="keywords" content="">

<!--[if IE]>
<script src=""></script>


I would like to add some things and remove some things.

How do I do that?

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,576 posts

Firstly, you are using an old version, so what I see in my v. 18 build 890 may not be exactly the same as you have. The original file is, at least for me, file:///C:/Users/Your user name/AppData/Roaming/CoffeeCup%20Software/CoffeeCup%20HTML%20Editor/Markup/HTML5/_default.html Make sure you type your own username into this path.

Secondly, the file is not meant to be edited by users, so to be sure nothing goes wrong and that you can revert to the original IF something goes wrong, rename the _default.html to _default.old (or something like that), and then make a copy of it that you give the original name, _default.html. Then you can edit the copy.

I have never done this, so I cannot guarantee anything.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2901653 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Thank you for the reminder to backup the original. I think I would have, but I might also have forgotten! :rolleyes:

I was hoping there was some sorta setting in the program itself that would allow editing of the default layout, but I guess there isn't - which explains why I couldn't find it.

But your tip worked! I actually found that file in my searching but discounted it because the Windows File Explorer preview window only showed %style% and it didn't occur to me that I should open the file to see what was actually in it. Duh.

Thank you!

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