HTML Editor: How can I save a table...

User 404575 Photo

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887 posts

The table editor is cool when you first make a table, but if I didn't save the final product, then how can I click on it as an object now, in my visual designer tab, and save it as a table that I can later edit the cell configuration of, etc?
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
User 401325 Photo

Trial User
146 posts

Hey, Melissa.

You can edit that table in a number of ways-- first and formost, you can manipulate it through use of the table bar at the bottom of the visual editor that pops up when you click on a cell, or when you click on one of the outside sides or corners of it (clicking and holding on a white dot or an interior line will let you drag and resize it).

You can also manipulate and add to the table by using the Visual Table Items button the Visual Editor (third from the right on the Visual Editor toolbar)!
User 404575 Photo

Registered User
887 posts

Dave Williams wrote:
Hey, Melissa.

You can edit that table in a number of ways-- first and formost, you can manipulate it through use of the table bar at the bottom of the visual editor that pops up when you click on a cell, or when you click on one of the outside sides or corners of it (clicking and holding on a white dot or an interior line will let you drag and resize it).

You can also manipulate and add to the table by using the Visual Table Items button the Visual Editor (third from the right on the Visual Editor toolbar)!

Yes I was aware of the table bar that pops up at the bottom, but it doesn't let you modify the number of cells?

I just tried that button though, and found out how to use it. You can't select the whole table, you have to just click in one of the cells and it appears to then let you change the numbers of rows and columns. Yay!

Thank you Dave! :)

Now can I save that table by itself, as a table file?

Oh this HTML Editor is so great, so much more powerful than VSD, in the visual mode, and I can do superscript and edit the html too.

My main site is at and my test directory for these changes is at
if you'd like to see the "before" and "after" on this.

It was suggested that I create a site that doesn't need scrolling, with certain features, and I'm learning to work on that now with this great HTML Editor!

Thanks again CoffeeCup!
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10

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