IE and FireFox Display Issues - Post...

User 476688 Photo

Registered User
19 posts

Hello Everyone,
I know that there are a number of postings concerning problems with items being displayed OK in IE and not in Firefox. I am a newbie with Coffeecup and couldn't find a definitive answer to my problem.

I'm using HTML Editor 2008. My website is not up and running yet. All I need to know is: do I have to embed a style code each time I have trouble with an object not displaying correctly in Firefox? For example I have a Rule line <hr> that is justified to the right and looks good in IE but in FF it stays centered (by the way that's what I had originally coded it at).

It the a general coding procedure I should always be following?


P.S. I came across a browser testing site in one of the posts, now I can't find that post again; can anyone tell me the URL to that site. - Thanks again
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

I don't use that service. I test in the latest versions of IE, FF, Opera, and Safari. Generally all Mozilla browsers render the same and if someone is still using IE5 or Netscape4, well what can I say. Time to update a free program.

Don't think of it as displaying correctly in IE and not in FF as FF is more standards compliant. Whenever I see something look different in IE than FF, I always assume that FF is rendering the code correctly and look at my code for mistakes.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I know that there are a number of postings concerning problems with items being displayed OK in IE and not in Firefox. I am a newbie with Coffeecup and couldn't find a definitive answer to my problem.

I'm using HTML Editor 2008. My website is not up and running yet. All I need to know is: do I have to embed a style code each time I have trouble with an object not displaying correctly in Firefox? For example I have a Rule line <hr> that is justified to the right and looks good in IE but in FF it stays centered (by the way that's what I had originally coded it at).

It the a general coding procedure I should always be following?


Generally, I would suggest you create your content and styles separately. One way to do that is to have a style section in the head of your code. That will allow you to make changes and view the results immediately.

I think the Horizontal Rule will not need any position styling to fill the assigned area from left to right. If you want to post the code, someone here could look at it and maybe see what is happening. A link to the site might be better than a partial look at the code.
User 476688 Photo

Registered User
19 posts

Thanks Bill and Tom for your replies.

Tom: Since you don't use browsershots, I take it that you just have the 4 browsers loaded on your computer and just preview your pages in each, correct? Thanks for the insight about changing the way I "think" about correct or incorrect display" actually that makes a lot of sense to me in a number of ways concerning a few problems I've been having. Thanks

Bill: I don't think I made my self clear about the Horizontal Rule line. The line runs from left to right but not across the whole page. I want to be right justified to break up two areas of the web page on the right side of the page. Here is the code I'm using.:
<div align="right"><hr color="#990000" size="3" width="632" <embed style="WIDTH: 632px; HEIGHT: 3px;>
Like I said the line is right just. in IE and seems to be center just. in FF
Our site is "under construction" and not up and running yet. I guess I could upload just this page if that what you meant by a helpful link to the site.

User 463058 Photo

1,079 posts

Here's some sample code:

<div class="test"><hr></div>

And then the CSS:

.test {
.test hr {
color: #990000; /* set both color and background-color to desired value */
background-color: #990000;
width: 632px;
height: 3px;
float: right;
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


Cary has code that is consistent with current standards. The method you used still tends to work, but as browsers become more standards compliant, it may be difficult to make things display the way you want.

Another way to do what Cary did is with inline style. Cary's method has the advantage of fitting into an external style sheet, or to the style section in the head of the page and it will apply to every hr that uses the class of test.

If you want to use inline style, it can be done, but then you have to duplicate the complete style as many times as you use the tag.
User 37670 Photo

Registered User
2,138 posts

Hi Marla,

I edited my post. In my original reply, I said the <embed> tad was for IE browser, but it is not. The <embed> tag is read be Mozilla browsers, like FireFox, but IE will not read the instructions. IE uses a similar tag colled <object>. Try to avoid using tags like <embed> and use styles and it will help a lot for making things work in more browsers.
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.

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