Import Microsoft Word document as...

User 442191 Photo

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40 posts

I saved an MS Word document into Working, but have difficulty formatting it correctly.

It has a two line heading, with an image on either side of it (at least it had it before I saved it as an html document).

Then it has a two column list of names with a single line border around it.

The document saved with the two images to the left of the two line headings.

I have been trying to move them to be on either side of the heading lines and equidistant from the headings on each side.

HTML's visual editor mode does not seem to work - MS Word created several files, including a filelist.xml which are making this difficult for me to work with.

Is there an easier way to make this work - perhaps not save as html in word?
User 442191 Photo

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40 posts

The real problem I encountered has to do with the fact that the MS Word document was created with graphics on either side of a word wrapped section of text (headings).

Then, within a section of text (2 columns of names), word wrapping of preceding text caused text to go beyond border.

Has anyone imported a word document into HTML Editor and avoided these problems, either by saving the word documents differently, or working with them in HTML Ediror?

I would expect to receive a number of MS Word documents with requests to include them in the web site I am preparing - the site is

If there are other Coffee Cup software modules that would help avoid this problem, please let me know - I have purchased them all.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


Are you trying to view the MS Word document file as HTML? If so, try using the save as HTML option part of the file menu.

If you want the MS WOrd documents to open in MS Word, use something like this:
<p> check out this MS Word <a href="firstdoc.doc"> Document</a>.</p>

Hope this helps.
User 442191 Photo

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40 posts


I saved the Word doc as html and it warned while saving that the format would change - and it did. The first two heading lines had been set up with word wrap and images on either side of them - as the warning said, it put both images left justified with the text to the right of them - see - I removed the one at the right just to get something up quickly.

The document had been sent to me by a committee member as help in making the page nice to view.

I would not want to make viewers open up word to view a page.

By the way, when Word doc is saved as html, it creates a folder and a few things within it - an xml file, and jpg and another that all then have to be uploaded to the web site. I was hoping to have something that I could more easily format within html editor.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


When I started my first site, I used MS Publisher. So I have an understanding of where you are with MS Word. MS Publisher worked, but had a lot of code and was a mess to use. I rebuilt my site from scratch using a free HTML editor that crashed and I think may have added extra code to the pages.

If you want to use the material from a MS Word document, you can take the images, and put them where you want them using HTML, and the put the text in separately. Other than what I have already suggested, I have nothing.

Maybe someone else will read this and offer a better solution.
User 427108 Photo

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292 posts

MS Word is tricky to work with. Try to transform to a pdf file and then you can open the document in your site. I use this in one of the site manage working with frames. The main frame with the documents and the navigation buttons at left frame. at the section workshops click in one of the thumbnails (sorry the site is in portuguese :-) )
Jimmy The Sailor (trying to show my photos) (my wife's gallery)

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