Is CoffeeCup Reliable? - Post ID 237087

User 2147626 Photo

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There is sanity in madness. I think . . . :D
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User 38401 Photo

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Thanks for letting us know Alec, it's always good to know that our voices are heard not only by the CC devs, but the users too when it comes to deciding to purchase or not. :)
User 2854466 Photo

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21 posts

Glad i found this post, i happened to stumble upon the same youtube video with that guy complaining and yes, of course it concerned me....but not any more.

So far, i have had nothing but quick replies to problems i am facing as a newbie during my learning curve and delightfully surprised how quick Scott and others get back to help us solve our problems.

Obviously there will always be those that see quite differently for whatever reason.

I'm glad CC keeps their old posts, this is a good reason, not to mention other answers i am sure i will get elsewhere on their site.

Thanks CC
User 187934 Photo

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20,253 posts

Hi Carina,
Welcome to the CC family. If you look at the comments on the youtube video you will see that I've made several requests for the needed info to help them but they continue to not fulfill the the request. I don't understand how somebody complains and also asks for help but then denies the needed info to execute the request. Another youtube user just commented on the video again saying I refused to admit what really happen. If they knew what really happen why don't they provide the answer? There are lots of users of CC apps that are more then willing to provide links and files so we can help them with their problems. It's typically user error but every once and a while a user uncovers a bug that wasn't found during beta testing. Even if it's a bug, CC is the only company I've ever seen fix a bug in less then an hour.

Again welcome to the forum and have fun!
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 2484360 Photo

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Carina wrote:

I'm glad CC keeps their old posts, this is a good reason, not to mention other answers i am sure i will get elsewhere on their site.

Thanks CC

See! I told you there were several other reasons why. :P
User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

CC is a great company who look after their customers.

User 2854466 Photo

Registered User
21 posts

Hi Eric,
Thanks for the welcome :)
Yes I saw your replies to him, sigh, so many complainers have nothing better to do, obvious the ones who complain so much have a chip or 2 on their shoulders.

So far I am really impressed with the support at CC.:)

Yep now i see why, it all makes complete sense. :)

...I feel at home already :)
User 458539 Photo

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1,629 posts

That guy is a waste of oxygen.

I've found CC to be a great source of software, information and have answered more than a few bone-headed questions I've asked in the past.

Welcome to the pack

User 2242960 Photo

Registered User
1 post

1: CC is simple and robust.
2: The original complainer obviously is delusional and wants sympathy so I have sympathy for him.... for being dumb.
3: The staff at CC are great people and I angrily object to any mistreatment of them.
4: The only directory he should be concerned about is the ID 10 T directory
My Name is Brian McHale and I approved this message.

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