Upcoming release of the new CoffeeCup...

User 180142 Photo

1,879 posts

Me want!!! LOL Wow! All those changes look super duper fantastic!!! :D
User 3 Photo

1,371 posts

meir klein wrote:
will the editor let us edit or create pages with right-to-left language?

Of course! That's actually something you do in the markup like this:


<p DIR="LTR">

So of course you can do this with the HTML Editor. :)
User 10673 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Been using CC software for years.
Can't beat it for ease of use and performance.
User 164839 Photo

1 post

These updates sound great! Can't wait for the download. :D
~ Bill Williams
User 110147 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

I've been working with this HTML Editor for years. Every release is a must have! Great stuff guys!

I do have one request: most of my work is done in German and adding a Spellchecker for other languages would be very, very helpful - there's a lot of them out there, maybe you could incorprate them as an add-on?

Keep up the good work, people!
David in Lucerne, Switzerland
User 189841 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Bummer. I used the old version in my basic web design class. Now I've have to rework my class workbook! <smile>

Seriously, I'm looking forward to the new and improved version and will not complain about the course rewrites. Now, if I could just run this on my Mac (in native mode).

Keep up the good work. I've tried many of the competitive packages and I always return to CoffeeCup ... and I recommend it to my students.

User 519758 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Looks great, but what about a Linex/ubuntu version? That would be great.
User 378196 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Looks great, but what about a Mac version?
User 285398 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Nice features included, looking forward to release
User 186643 Photo

Registered User
1 post


Very nice new features and new layout.

I hope that you can fix the editor 'valign' and 'align' bug.

The valign="center" and align="middle" implementation bug has been unchanged from each previous release.


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