Website major redesign/makeover -...

User 2361117 Photo

Registered User
115 posts

I initially designed and hard coded my website in HTML using coffeecup well over 5 years ago ( For those interested, the URL is I should also add that purchasing CoffeeCup HTML Editor at the time was well worth every penny. Fast forward to 2017 and I must admit that aside from not having a mobile friendly site, my website needs a major makeover in more ways than one. As I haven't done any HTML in a number of years, I am the first to admit that I need to brush up on my HTML skills as well as familiarize myself with the many changes that have taken place over the past 5 years plus such as single page website themes that appear to be very popular today. In fact, in looking to redesign my website, I am seriously considering the single page theme layout for each of several pages in designing and building a mobile friendly website using the latest CoffeeCup HTML Editor. As I am essentially in a service business whereby I primarily conduct commercial property condition assessments (aka PCAs) commonly referred to as commercial building inspections, I also provide commercial roofing inspections and light energy audits as well. This being the case, it seems fitting to create a single page for each of the services provided, namely one for PCAs, one for commercial roofing inspections, and one for light energy audits. As I am not looking to reinvent the wheel, I am also hoping to find and modify an existing responsive website theme that can best suits my needs. All considered, correct me if I am wrong but, given what I have described thus far, I am thinking that the HTML Editor is all I would need whereas the Responsive Website Designer is essentially unnecessary unless I decide to create a website from scratch without having to do any hard coding. Any comments, suggestions regarding a website redesign build in my particular case would be most appreciated. Thank you ahead of time.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,253 posts

Hi Boilermaker,
I have one site that I built and maintain with the html editor but a lot of new pages are being built with RSD. The ease of creating a responsive site has many coders switching as they can accomplish more quicker. I still use the html editor a lot to do my php and jQuery within my rsd pages but even that can be handled in a lot of cases with a little forethought.
There's really no wrong app to use. You may want to take RSD for a trial just to see what you can do with it.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2815606 Photo

Registered User
55 posts

Hi Boilermaker,
I have most of the CoffeeCup apps but, at the moment, I primarily use HTML Editor to create and maintain my web pages. I don't do it for any reason other than I love to be able to create pages from scratch. This helps me to understand what is going on with web pages, html, css, css grid, and scripts, etc., 'under the hood' so to speak.
I don't have to do it to earn a living so it gives me a sense of achievement when I see my designs 'come to life'.
However as Eric said using other CC apps can make life so much easier and helps to take the drudgery out of responsive design. The choice really is yours to make.
I have looked at your web site and, in my humble opinion, as it stands at the present time, it is a prime candidate for easy conversion to a responsive site. You can do this with media queries, setting a couple of break points and adjustment of the existing elements to fit in with the break points.

User 2361117 Photo

Registered User
115 posts

Thanks everyone for the replies to my post. Appreciate the comments and suggestions.

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