Locked out of Lockbox - Post ID 220596

User 2385998 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

I needed to get into Lockbox for an importatnt transaction that I had to undertake this morning. I started LockBox and I was horrified to find that I was locked out. It told me to register;, but no matter what I tried to do I couldn't access my own data.

I was forced to go back to the CoffeeCup site, go into my account and download it again. I fired it up and it started first time.

The problem is that I don't seem to be able to see any of my data in there. It's all vanished.

I have about five minutes in which to get this transaction done and it's going to take me more than that to do a paper chase to find me login details to get this time sensitive transaction done.

Can someone tell me how I can get all of my previous data entries back?

To say that I am furious is an understatement. How do I import my old setting back into this application and, secondly, why wasn't I permitted to access my own data even after the application thought I was using an unlicenced version?

- Malc
Pam: "I wonder what my name means in Welsh"
Nessa: "Why?"
User 2385998 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

Well, that really has buggered up my day. What annoys me is that I have to go and find all the IDs and Passwords for everything again and then re-enter them. This is going to take at least a day to get everything found again. In a lot of cases I am going to have to change all my passwords because I used LockBox to keep my passwords, which I made to be impossible to remember and that is going to be a major pain in the backside.

What I would like know is; why was I held to ransom by CoffeeCup? I was effectively told that unless I spent more money then I couldn't get my data. I should have been given the option to get my data out, even printed on a sheet of paper or, better, in a csv file. I should not have been told to spend $28 or that's it, sonny, your data has been lost.

But what CoffeeCup shouldn't do is to say to me that my data has been lost unless I pay a extortion fee to extract it again. I dont know what happened here but there should be a way to get my data out of the application without being blackmailed into losing my data. This is nothing short of a disgrace and certainly in some countries is quite illegal.

It may have been a trial edition of a later version but my issue is still valid. It should not have deleted my data it should have told me that I have a certain number of visits to extract my data and revert back to an earlier paid-for version but it should not have tried to extort money out of me and delete my data when I went back to a previous version.

I am going to ask for one good reason why I shouldn't be billing CoffeeCup for my time in getting the data back in.

Pam: "I wonder what my name means in Welsh"
Nessa: "Why?"
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Malc,

This isn't a place for software support when it comes to issues with the software itself, this is a user to user forum and if you are in need of actual software assistance (especially when it comes to trying to retrieve sensitive data like id's and passwords) you need to contact the Support team instead by putting in a support ticket. I have no idea why they would tell you you'd have to pay them to get the information, that is just outright not correct I'm thinking. I know you are in a bind, but I'm pretty sure they do not charge a fee to help you, what they do is charge a fee for phone support though if that's what you were trying to do then yes, that is what that fee would be about. The new version of the program is $29.00 so I don't know if they were telling you you need to upgrade (maybe you were using an extremely old version? dunno.) or what that fee was about, but they don't "extort" fees, they do charge to do some things though, that's what customer service is and many companies charge fees to help fix things.

Anyways, I would suggest you take this back to support as there isn't anything that anyone here on the User to User forums that can be done for you.
User 2385998 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

Thanks for the reply.

It was the software which told me that it would be $29 to update. And guess where my PayPal pasword was kept?

Pam: "I wonder what my name means in Welsh"
Nessa: "Why?"
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Yeah I would suggest then opening a support ticket and asking the CC team if there's anything they can do to help with this issue. Good luck on it Malc. :)
User 294038 Photo

Registered User
35 posts

Just for the record, this has also happened to me. I went to open LockBox and could not even find the icon/shortcut. I had to find my two back ups on two different disks. Guess what? I can't open my database from either one. I get a message telling me "Username Or Password Is Incorrect."

I am using Version 3.1.118 on Windows 7 64-bit and no changes made recently.

Not Happy Right Now. :(
I am using HTML Editor, LockBox, Photo Gallery, Visual Site Designer (for the kids), Web Form Builder, Web Video Player, Shopping Cart Creator, Shopping Cart Designer and Flash Website Search. My works in perpetual progress:
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Once again I just need to reiterate that the forums are a user to user help area and there is really nothing a fellow user can do to help with this program as it contains sensitive data that must not be shared on the forums, and of course we don't write the programs so this is something you "need" to open a support ticket for rather than posting here. I do hope they can help you get it worked out, but in the end there's nothing us users can do to help with this. Good luck! :)
User 2473003 Photo

Registered User
31 posts

Hi guys,
I recently purchased LockBox, I couldn't resist the low price offer. I am currently using Lastpass and comparing the two apps. The point I want to make is: your passwords and usernames are very important, as you have found out. I use these apps for speed and convenience only. Because they are important, every time I create an account on a website I also enter the details into a 'physical' notebook that I keep protected by enclosing it with a rubber band :| and putting it somewhere safe. That way, when technology fails me, I have a backup that works every time, instantly and I don't have to reply on support tickets to somewhere across the world; although I have to admit that CoffeeCup are great at responding to help requests. Maybe it's because I'm a sexagenarian from an earlier generation that still uses bit of paper, at least for guaranteed backups. I don't share the same confidence that gen Y has with technology.

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