Ideas from specials - Post ID 199477

User 184085 Photo

1,707 posts

One thing that might bear a looking at, is developing a program for schools, not just the education discount you have, but course curriculum, lecture notes, a complete package that is a turn key solution for schools.

You could run a variation on the big cup where everyone who purchases the package can be entered into a draw to meet Al Gore... the inventor of the internet ;)

I like swag shop coupons ;)
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User 298877 Photo

292 posts

I'd like to double +1 the requests for a way to build a custom package of graphics or themes. CC already do this (kinda) with the Web Extension Pack

Get discounts on a scaled basis. The more you buy the more you save.
E.g. In one transaction, buy 5+ themes, get 20% off total, buy 10+ themes, get 45% off total, but 20+ themes and get 60% off etc.

I already own all but one of the software offered, and I own a good few themes and graphics. But I will never say no to more of these and if there was a deal I'd probably go nuts and buy a stack of both themes and graphics. I'm sure there are many who would do likewise.

So give it some though Scott...and hear the CC cash register ring like a Vegas slot machine :)


User 15653 Photo

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233 posts

I think more comprehensive "how-to" tutorials would help move more software. With most CC software, you can download the trial version but it may not be intuitive enough to do anything really cool with it. Demonstrations, more YouTube examples, and more detail to the help files would allow people to create things prompting that "I gotta have this" impulse to a much greater extent than may currently exist.
User 98730 Photo

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8 posts

How about a package for those of us that switched from Windows to OS X, or are planning to switch. Customers who already bought most of the Windows apps, but are now looking for a way to continue working with CC apps at an affordable price.

I actually made the switch several years ago, and of course already got all the OS X apps available now. And still, when I see the offers in my mailbox for Image Mapper (already owned, but no longer used) I regret I can no longer make use of it. Wish there were an OS X version...
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

ronald jimmink wrote:
How about a package for those of us that switched from Windows to OS X, or are planning to switch. Customers who already bought most of the Windows apps, but are now looking for a way to continue working with CC apps at an affordable price.

I actually made the switch several years ago, and of course already got all the OS X apps available now. And still, when I see the offers in my mailbox for Image Mapper (already owned, but no longer used) I regret I can no longer make use of it. Wish there were an OS X version...

We have been offering something like that Ronald for over 3 months. You can get all of our OS X applications for only $99 here at That saves you $78.
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User 2227084 Photo

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9 posts

I SOOO agree with Per, Jo Ann and SirAGE. A pick your own package deal of fonts, themes, software and graphics. Even individual graphic images maybe. I rarely use them but once in awhile I might want one or two simple ones. Like getting to pick which graphics from the Easter or Halloween graphics pack I want.

Well, maybe breaking up a graphics pack is not feasible. But it is a thought.

I was on vacation when image mapper went on sale for only $5!! By the time I got back, it was gone. Grrrr :mad: Haven't seen it that low since. (Praying it will come back soon for even one weekned)

I too bought animation studio in hopes that one day I will use it. Also about to do that with image mapper to create a similar idea as used by CC when they have their easter egg hunt.
Something like: Look for the tiny image mapped links to ???? on my site and you (customer) can win some of my wares! kind of idea to help make my website fun and enticing. I don't know how CC makes those little wookie/ewok eggs that allow visitors to decide if they want to keep the prize or not but I guess my idea of it is simple enough for me to make and end up working...kinda.

Well, back to the topic at hand,

Like others, I have the majority of the CC software now. Need only a few missing pieces to complete the present collection. I ended up buying software as a duplicate when I purchased the Super Pack over a year ago. Now just waiting until the WFB 2.2 with slide show comes out. :D Oh happy day!!

So there is my two cents worth
Either way, I still love you guys!
Scents of Magick
User 1886497 Photo

Registered User
148 posts

Dont really like saying what you should offer as all the software is well worth the money and it feels cheeky.

Not sure if you did this before but sounds familiar

Buy 1 get 10% off,
Buy 2 get 20% off
Buy 3 get 30% off

But Super it up to make it more appealing.

Buy 1 get 20% off,
Buy 2 get 30% off
Buy 3 get 40% off the overall price

That offer is kind of like custom build as long as it included themes, fonts etc

I think PowerPost should be free S-Drive is a service and its kind of a tool to enhance the service the more you use PowerPost the more you use S-Drive meaning the (More Storage, More Sites etc), but its only $5 thats still an awesome price. But would love a deal like 'How would you like S-Drive WEBBIE free for a month and PowerPost half price, give people a trail time and buy in to it and if they have in the past bought shopping cart offer SHOPKEEPER free for a month let them trial stats.

Also a deal maybe a deal like:

We can see you own The HTML Editor 12.7, not sure if you have a Mac if so get WEB EDITOR for this price.

Just a few ideas which might be silly or a fast way to go bust lol
Karl Williams.
User 406321 Photo

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33 posts

I agree with Chris O... I've often thought that I would like to see some online tutorials for the software, so maybe if you offered the software at regular price but added FREE comprehensive tutorials, it might help!

User 15653 Photo

Registered User
233 posts

The products would go a long way toward better sales IF there was more show and tell. I think CC has gotten better at it but probably still not really invested in showing the coolest stuff and then explaining how users too, can build what they were looking at. Things would grow from that point where users gained and CC gained. Too often, better training materials are widely viewed as a cost versus investment.
User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

The only problem with Show and Tell is that the software changes so fast that CC would have to employee someone full time just to keep up with the changes. Takes a good week to complete a GOOD video and within the next 3 weeks something changes.

Yes, I agree it is a good idea. But I also believe this is where us as users can step up and make some videos. (I have only made three videos) so I do not have room to talk. lol Yet, we can support a company that has supported us so much.

Give and take, take and give.
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