Ideas from specials - Post ID 207942

User 547521 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

I would like to see themes spanning all programs. I have one I like Ecologic, but can only access that theme using HTML Editor. And it would be nice if your programs meshed with other programs, using common HTML, etc in names. How do I use your program in my others when you use weird file extensions. I want to use the theme in my GoLive 6.0, or the site mapper.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

TJ wrote:
I would like to see themes spanning all programs. I have one I like Ecologic, but can only access that theme using HTML Editor. And it would be nice if your programs meshed with other programs, using common HTML, etc in names. How do I use your program in my others when you use weird file extensions. I want to use the theme in my GoLive 6.0, or the site mapper.
Any theme you buy for use with the HTML Editor can be used in any other HTML editor. The theme package we give you is just made for installing into our software. Just create a new website based on that theme and you will have all the files/images. You can also just rename the .CCT to .ZIP and extract them that way.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 298877 Photo

292 posts

Dwaine Stark wrote:
being new to this, I would appreciate how to or teaching videos. I have tried writing but if I ask 3 questions only one comes back answered. Would not mind paying for these or have them on line support for a fee. That way the updates would be easy to keep up with. That would probably get more people using the programs..

Hi Dwaine,

The Coffeecup website is stuffed with how-to articles and walk-through's on various aspects of the entire suite of software produced and sold by CC. See and select the software that interests you from the right hand list.

Alternatively, myself and several other slightly more dedicated users are frequently on the forums offering help, solutions and advice. So, register and post a question in the public forums and I think you'll be delighted with the friendly help we all try to offer.

Finally, the Coffeecup support system lets you open a ticket and ask for specific help with a problem that can't be resolved using the public forums or the help articles.

All in all, Coffeecup software ownership and user experience exceeds anything else I have ever experienced in this interesting world of web design, so go ahead and enjoy the software and the unequaled support from the developers and from the fantastic community of users on the forums.

You'll be glad you did :D

Dave :)

PS: In terms of video tutorials, there is a selection here:
User 201546 Photo

24 posts


Maybe you have already done this before, but what about offering a bring a friend to school discount? If you get someone to buy CC, then they get a discount and so do you.

Occasionally I train companies on web design and have referred them to your software, having them purchase it. Word of mouth and referral are great ways to add customers.

One limitation that holds me back from referring more people is ease of use. Yes, CC, each program by itself, is easy to use. But integrating them together could be a lot easier. That's typically where I cannot get customers to take the plunge because of the need of adding code, putting the object on the page, etc. Then every time you update something, you have to repeat all of the steps.
All of the extra steps needed to add a photo gallery, flash animation, form, etc. If it was more tightly integrated, with all of the fantastic service and offerings you already have, I think your sales would soar thru the roof, so-to-speak.

Imagine the ease of use of integrating them being like the ease of use of using them - Wow! Once again, for me, no problem. I have been using your programs for a few years and have learned to work with it. I bought the super pack a while back. Have bought other things since then.
But for ease of use I have had to move on to other programs *software name removed* that do all of the necessary functions within the one program. It is easy for my customers to use and they love it.

Please don't misunderstand me, I appreciate you guys and your company. Thank you for all that you guys do. Thanks for your programs.
But maybe, keep updating and improving them. One huge leap would be the integration of them into a whole package like VSD, where everything could easily be made and added from within the program?

Best Wishes,

Process Improvement
Creative Thinker

User 2147646 Photo

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233 posts

Will there be an egg hunt this year? :-)

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,257 posts :D
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

I don't know what your bottom line is Scott, but maybe set something up with those affiliates by giving away software to those producing sales. Never since I've been on the web have I ever seen the level of customer service that your company provides, and those affiliates on here know how great it is. *More sales tools* like different types of ads verses promoting hot selling products only. Extra incentives sometimes can get people going. Aff marketing for your web hosting services(reseller?). Also, With your permission, I was thinking of doing a meetup for Coffeecup for the past couple of years, and think this might be the year to start it(or help someone in our area?)...and none of these are gripes for sure. I'm just spit-balling suggestions. :)
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User 539803 Photo

Registered User
2,156 posts

James, the CC get together was suggested last year with free airline tickets for users outside USA :lol:

I like your sdrive re seller idea, i am already doing it, i get each person who i write a free website for to buy a copy of VSD which i design with so they can take it over and update it when i am finished, then they get hosted FREE on sdrive :)

I suppose heres a suggestion a bundle price for VSD (already available) but paid for as i use it hmmmmm, i think thats what i am already doing :P

CC s drive re - seller account i think is a must have option, well thought of James ;)
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 2316869 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

I must say I +1 the thought from PER back on the first page of this thread... Choose X number of programs for a flat price. at an attractive price. I often wish I could get into the Shopping Cart Creator Pro, but I also would need the Shopping Cart Designer Pro, but wait, I want the Live Chat and Visual Site Designer also. so then I'm looking at $272 in my shopping cart and scratching my head *sighs* if only I made more money.

NO DOUBT IMHO Coffee Cup software is the best, and I have been using it since the first coffee cup editor came out originally circa 96-97.

User 2924428 Photo

Registered User
1,718 posts

Yeah i'm with CoffeeCup i'm willing to pay the price for some good quality products !! Simple to use and always good outputs. I love CC Software :)

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