Play RCS - Post ID 271710

User 458539 Photo

Registered User
1,629 posts

I think I already know the answer to these but

1 - can you set up RCS so it does not auto play and works manually?

2 - I don't think you can but see if someone smarter than me has figured it out - can you have arrows to maually slide?


User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,573 posts

1. In the Slides panel one selects Slideshow, and in the Slideshow Settings section one unticks the Autoplay box.

2. I'm not smarter I'm afraid, and not even sure what is in mind. If the reference is to the Indicators for sliding, one is not limited to just Icon Indicators. At the bottom right of the Elements panel one can change from Icon Indicators to Image Indicators, and make the images whatever one fancies, including arrows of course.


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