Can someone post here the layout in...

User 2623310 Photo

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Hopefully I understand this time. Have a look at this one!:)
User 131545 Photo

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Scot, almost but I want an area around on my website with the background color/image in a box and the outer of the browser is the default color.

I want this the background color/image around the webpage that is what I mean.
Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
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User 2623310 Photo

282 posts

Give me couple of minutes get things switch things around for you. :)
User 131545 Photo

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Maybe a demo page liks good for learning. I have all the software Responsive Layout Maker and Responsive Site Designer.

Thanks for your help
Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
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User 2623310 Photo

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How about this one.
User 131545 Photo

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I start with this template en create my demo page and send it then here as attachment for the next troubles. The navigation menu is fixed and when I click on an menu item then switch the page in the same browserwindow like this example but how can I do this with RSD or with HTML Editor?
Or is that possibly with the RLMP to?

This is the example: (it's not mine)

Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
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User 122279 Photo

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Scott Larson, take a look at the thread here: … esponsive/" class="bb-url"> … esponsive/

Stefke attached a drawing of what he wants, and I replied explaining what rows and columns would be needed. I was not at my own computer, so I could not create any wireframe, but you seem to work on that.
I'm still not at my own computer, I'm on holiday, so I can't produce anything in RLM or RSD for the next couple of weeks.
Also, viewing the rlm file Stefke submitted along with the drawing, he needs to understand how to split columns so that he gets at least three in the same row, and also how to use breakpoints and floats.

Stefke, some people might be willing to share the rlm and rsd files they create, but many of the users here are doing web design for a living, and therefore they may want to keep their working files to themselves. But after all the explanations and help you are getting here, you really should be able to create your own files.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2623310 Photo

282 posts

If you want to look like that. They have the image for the grid and a different color for rows, column that hold the content. It will be easier to add images in RSD than RLMP. If you want to, if you send me the image that would like to have. I will create a template in RSD for you. Then will be able create new pages and content to them. I just need to know wide you your rows to be.:D
User 131545 Photo

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687 posts

Hi, Thanks,

I create the page later and add pages for the demo.
Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
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User 122279 Photo

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Don't know if your reply was to me, Scott, but you'll find the drawing in the zip file that Stefke posted in the other thread.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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