How to influence the background-color...

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Based on previous posts with Nigel I don't believe he has an S-Drive account.
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The color is there but you configured them on a breakpoint set at 1017 pixels. Anything higher then 1017 pixels, there is no color set. You can see it here at … index.html

Make the size of your browser smaller and smaller until you see the color change.

Please read Chapter 5 of the Quick Start Guide which explains how to use Breakpoints: … chapter-5/
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Scott Swedorski wrote:
The color is there but you configured them on a breakpoint set at 1017 pixels. Anything higher then 1017 pixels, there is no color set. You can see it here at … index.html

Make the size of your browser smaller and smaller until you see the color change.

Please read Chapter 5 of the Quick Start Guide which explains how to use Breakpoints: … chapter-5/

Cheers Scott, I've read the article, so this is going to be updated soon? I have glanced at all the chapters but time is at a premium, so I'll go over it so it sinks in more. Anyway thanks for you help, I really just thought that we just filled the colours in the editor, but that's great that we don't. Anyway I've been playing so I've done my page at 100%. Just prototyping at this point.
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

Steve wrote:
Based on previous posts with Nigel I don't believe he has an S-Drive account.

Yeah I've got one Steve, a free account I think, but I've never used it, I'm no expert on S-Drive :P

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