Layout issue in RLM - Post ID 246331

User 437873 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

I'm on the learning curve, and I can't figure out what's happening here. In RLM I have 2 rows with 3 columns with images & text. It all looks good. In the browser though, the first column of the second row displays on a row by itself, and columns 2 & 3 wrap to row 3. (see pics)

Any body know what might be wrong?
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,106 posts

Hi Terry,

Check what your column span is for the columns in the second row. If you want three columns in one for they must each must be set to colspan of 4.
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User 437873 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

Hi Steve.

Yes, they are all the same span. I created another test page and I'm getting similar results:

If it's not incorrect span widths, what else could it be?
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Should your items float left? If so, check your top/bottom margins. The ones stuck to the right probably "get caught" and can't clear the items above them.
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User 437873 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

I don't quite understand what you mean paintbrush. Remember, I'm a RLM newbie!
Could you expand please?
User 437873 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

I think I found the issue. It seems that if the individual images in a row aren't the same height, it causes the problem. I fixed it by changing the Min-height of every column to a px size >= the tallest image.

  • Is there a way to do that globally? Even though all the columns are the same class, I had to change them all separately.
  • On an iPad, where I have applied a breakpoint to display only 2 columns per row, the images are not centered in the columns. Please tellme how to center an image in a column.
  • Strange behavior on an iPhone... [1] images do not display. [2] Only 8 of the 16 image boxes display. Below them is empty space where the other 8 images should be! Any ideas?

This is very important to me. We have a cushion replacement site that has over 400 fabric choices. I need to be able to show approximately 100 thumbnail images per page! Any and all help is appreciated.

User 437873 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

I've done some more work on this, so ignore the previous post.

The only question remains: is there a way to change the Min-height of a column globally. It doesn't change all the columns with the same class, which is what I expected.

User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Hey Terry,

If you apply a min-height to a class for a column, all columns using that class will be affected. If that does not happen for you please attach your project so we can take a look at it.

Two tips that might help you out:

1. For global settings it is best to apply the styles to the 'Type'. This will for example increase the min-height for all columns without applying a class.
2. For repeated behavior like a lot of thumbnails that need to display in 3 columns for desktop, but 1 column on small screens, it's always a good idea to use the duplicate function. You can build this for a row and then duplicate that, or even do it for the 1st column, duplicate it 3 times within the row, then duplicate the row.

Hope this helps :P
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User 437873 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

Thanks Bob. I think I understand now. While I have your ear though, I'd like your (or anybody's) advice on another layout problem I'm working on. It's on this page: … r-fabrics/

I created what I thought is a stylish layout, with staggered images and their related text -- image first on right, then on the next row, image on the left, etc. (project attached)

The problem is, when I get down to phone-size devices, I need to put the images on TOP of their related text, so it goes image, text, image, text. I'm sure you know what I mean. But I can't simply increase the span of each column, because RLM organizes the columns in sequence, so it goes text, image, image, text, etc.

How can I get around this? (I wish you could re-order full-span columns by dragging them. :(

User 437873 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

PS: Your system does not allow the RLM project file format to be uploaded.

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