"Master" Page - Post ID 230822

User 296863 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Does one have the ability in RLM to make a "master" page, where you can create all of the pages in your website off of it (like another popular MAC program does) ?

Using a "master" page, one change there changes every page that was created using that "master". As an example, making a changes to a footer is quick and easy in a multiple page website. Change it once in the "master" and it changes it everywhere..

So far, and to be fair, I'm new at RLM, I don't see that capability.. So after I create 5 pages and export, if I want to change the footer, again as an example, I have to change it on all 5 pages..

Or is there a better way to accomplish that ?

Thanks in advance !!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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What you can do there Michael is use classes and ids. If you then make a change to any element with that class or id, they will be updated on every page through your layout.
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User 296863 Photo

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7 posts

Hi Scott.. Thanks but correct me if I'm wrong - doesn't that only work with "formatting" ? What if I need to change the actual "text". Would I have to physically change the "text" on every page or will class / ids work there as well ?

Using the footer as a simple example - "Copyright 2014" on every page.. Next year, will I have to update every page to "2015" manually ?

Thanks !!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Michael DAntonio wrote:
Hi Scott.. Thanks but correct me if I'm wrong - doesn't that only work with "formatting" ? What if I need to change the actual "text". Would I have to physically change the "text" on every page or will class / ids work there as well ?

Using the footer as a simple example - "Copyright 2014" on every page.. Next year, will I have to update every page to "2015" manually ?

Thanks !!

That is something you do after you export.
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User 296863 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Ouch.. :(

The footer example was a simple one.. If we have a multiple page site and we want to make several "text" type changes after the initial design (to the menus, footers, headers, etc.) doing every page could be quite a bit of redundant work - while with a "master", one change there changes it all.. And if you're doing more than one website (multiple customers), the time factor adds up if you have to update every page on every website - while the convenience factor goes down..

Is it possible to consider something like this in a "future" update or not possible with RLM because of the nature of the program ?

Thanks !!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Michael DAntonio wrote:
Ouch.. :(

The footer example was a simple one.. If we have a multiple page site and we want to make several "text" type changes after the initial design (to the menus, footers, headers, etc.) doing every page could be quite a bit of redundant work - while with a "master", one change there changes it all.. And if you're doing more than one website (multiple customers), the time factor adds up if you have to update every page on every website - while the convenience factor goes down..

Is it possible to consider something like this in a "future" update or not possible with RLM because of the nature of the program ?

Thanks !!

That type of feature doesn't quite fit with RLM. That would be something more found in a site designer.
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User 296863 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Thanks for your time, Scott.. Appreciate the quick responses..

Thanks !!
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

What you can do is use a php include in your footer. Put your text in the include. Then when a change is needed all you do is change 1 file and it will be reflected across your site. I think Eric knows more about this...:cool:
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User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,596 posts

Michael, Why would you manually update the year every year? Why not use a script that does it for you?

<script language="JavaScript" type=

//Script created by Ronny Drappier, http://sipreal.com
//Visit http://javascriptkit.com for this script

today=new Date();

// end hiding --->
</script> &copy; 2004-<script language="JavaScript" type=
<!--- Hide from old browsers
// end hiding --->

In the above code the year 2004 is the year when the site was new, and every New Year another year is added at the end of the script.

You do need to export the layout first though, and then place the script in the footer or whereever you want it.

As for editing things that are to appear on every page, Gunsmoke is onto something with the php include idea. You don't need to be very php savvy to do that. But also, that has to be done after the layout has been exported.
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User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

But also, that has to be done after the layout has been exported.

I'd have to check, but I don't think so. Wouldn't the code for the php include just go into an HTML box placed where you want it on the page? Pretty sure I've seen that somewhere, but I'll have to look for it. :cool:
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