Please, Please Help - Post ID 227899

User 2036243 Photo

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36 posts

Well here we go. A first quick and dirty try. Wordperfect was a broken reed (probably because I didn't fiddle with the conversion parameters). I would like to be able to attach the pdf but the sox here won't let me. Harrumph.

I'll just have to zipitup.
All the Best
User 603315 Photo

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ianinfrance wrote:
Well here we go. A first quick and dirty try. Wordperfect was a broken reed (probably because I didn't fiddle with the conversion parameters). I would like to be able to attach the pdf but the sox here won't let me. Harrumph.

I'll just have to zipitup.

Word Perfect Word Perfect what is that :lol: you mean that's still going :cool:
User 2036243 Photo

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36 posts

Yup, and still beats W*** into a cocked hat. You see, just as I use Coffee Cup HTML editor, because it lets ME be in charge of what I'm doing, rather than any of these high level site creators, so it is with my word processor. I want to be able to import AND export in a multitude of formats to please my clients, whereas W*** tries to take advantage of its dominant position by refusing to convert almost everything. And so on for many other aspects of the program. I'm on version X5, and it's not at all bad.

I might add that I used Protext on the Amstrad CPC6128, probably before you were born!!! So I am used to being in charge of what I do.

Oh... and by the way, the plural of survey is surveys, NOT survey's. Nyah!!! :lol:

Just teasing - as someone incapable of typing without a multitude of typos it gives me immense pleasure to be able to point out someone else's little grammatical faux-pas. :P:P
All the Best
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

ianinfrance wrote:

I might add that I used Protext on the Amstrad CPC6128, probably before you were born!!! So I am used to being in charge of what I do.

Ah your my new best friend :lol: I used to program BASIC would that be right on them machines? it was something like that Amstrad CPC.

I like the control as well with the HTML editor, I've tried templates and WYSIWYG, they frustrate me so much as I can't do what I need with them. Good to have you on here Ian, I'm Nigel I live in England.
User 122279 Photo

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G'kar wrote:

I like the control as well with the HTML editor, I've tried templates and WYSIWYG, they frustrate me so much as I can't do what I need with them. Good to have you on here Ian, I'm Nigel I live in England.

I agree with you and Ian, I use the html Editor for exactly the same reason. At the moment I'm struggling a bit with RLMP, because I have not learnt how to control it yet. But thanks to a couple of brillinat videos (thanks guys!), I'm making progress. :)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

- as someone incapable of typing without a multitude of typos

That's why you use a word processor! Spell check! I use OpenOffice as it lets me do a 'multitude' of things and is FREE.

Looked at your 'Quick Intro' and it looks good. If you finish that PDF be sure to go to my site and upload to the File Hosting. I'd love to have a printable copy. Thanks. :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 603315 Photo

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Inger wrote:
G'kar wrote:

I like the control as well with the HTML editor, I've tried templates and WYSIWYG, they frustrate me so much as I can't do what I need with them. Good to have you on here Ian, I'm Nigel I live in England.

I agree with you and Ian, I use the html Editor for exactly the same reason. At the moment I'm struggling a bit with RLMP, because I have not learnt how to control it yet. But thanks to a couple of brillinat videos (thanks guys!), I'm making progress. :)

I've used the HTML editor for years Inger, however I wouldn't say I new everything about it still, as we have different ways of working, but I still find little gems that help. As for the RLM I know Jo Ann disagrees and she makes fair points, however I still feel that it is more suited to WYSIWYG Expert. I know a top designer and his team, trying to promote it a bit, who I told about the RLM, he said he wouldn't touch it because of it's WYSIWYG approach. I don't think there is anything there that non-coders can't do they would just have to play with the padding and margins. As for me I like to see the code, that's what my difficulties are, but it's got power and is a fine too to have in your arsenal.
User 181142 Photo

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Steve I am trying to attach the RLMP File but I am getting the following error:

Sorry, we couldn't add your post for the following reasons:
Your attachment must be one of: .TXT, .SNP, .ZIP, .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG format.

Anyways, I am going to upload the file to my server so you can get it from there.

Below is what I have not been able to figure it out

1- Logo Image: At the moment it has a size I do not like. How can I make it look like 100x70 inside RLM so when I import my logo it keeps that dimension.

2- Top Menu: I am planning on using round buttons from CC Responsives button Maker: I do not have the registered version at the moment so I am working with the trial, so I wonder if the full version has predefined round buttons. I also wonder what I need to do so when the page shrink to a point my menu bar will become a button "Menu" with all of my Sub Menu as a drop down. I noticed CC Button maker has the capability to build both type of menu (Horiz and Vert). Do I need to build two types of menu?

3- Wow Slider: *****Very Important for me*****. I want the size to fill the page width and of course be responsive. If I check on none right next to Max-width I noticed it will take the width of my page but then the height will be too big, so how can I fix that?

Thank you Steve I appreciated it.

PS: I also want to thank anybody that decided to shine some lights to help me out. ;)
User 122279 Photo

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14,593 posts

I've used the HTML editor for years Inger, however I wouldn't say I new everything about it still, as we have different ways of working, but I still find little gems that help. As for the RLM I know Jo Ann disagrees and she makes fair points, however I still feel that it is more suited to WYSIWYG Expert. I know a top designer and his team, trying to promote it a bit, who I told about the RLM, he said he wouldn't touch it because of it's WYSIWYG approach. I don't think there is anything there that non-coders can't do they would just have to play with the padding and margins. As for me I like to see the code, that's what my difficulties are, but it's got power and is a fine too to have in your arsenal.

Again I agree, Nigel. I have coded some responsive sites without grids, just media queries, and they work fine. And I'm also addicted to seeing the code.
As for RLMP, I want to get on top of it, not in the least because I also teach website building, and if I can 'show off' with RLMP, it would also probably mean business for CC ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

I do not have the registered version at the moment so I am working with the trial, so I wonder if the full version has predefined round buttons.

Trial is fully operational. You've got the real deal for a limited time. Get more resources (including some round corner examples) here...
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!

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