Responsive design for our site - Post...

User 404575 Photo

Registered User
887 posts

As I've mentioned before in these forums, we have a part time home based business at

But we're still low income and barely paying the bills here.

That being said, I was looking at Google Webmaster data and it shows that something like 23% of our visitors are using mobile or tablets. SO is our current non-Responsive site design screwing up their experience and losing them as clients? I just tried it on my wireless phone and some of the text was a little small, but not impossible to read, and I was able to work with the menus. It didn't look bad or anything.

Also as previously mentioned, I'm at an extremely basic level with my HTML. I can maintain the site we have, but someone else designed it for us. The RLM software is probably WAY over my head, AND expensive for us to even get into?

But if we were to find someone to convert our site to Responsive, would I still be able to maintain it myself without RLM software, using CC HTML Editor, which I have, and have used for years now?

I've had one person contact me about doing this for us, already, but the cost seemed a little steep ( to us at least, being we're low income and barely paying the bills ). How many hours does someone who knows how to do this, need to spend to convert a site like ours?

I see people offering it on Craig's List but am a bit wary about finding someone that way. There's a lot of fraudulent stuff going on there.
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

But we're still low income and barely paying the bills here.

Just like so many web developers :lol:

But almost a quarter of your site traffic is too significant to ignore. Pinching, zooming and scrolling that amount of text on a phone or small screen would make me crazy. I would move on to the next Google listing. :(
I think a well designed, user friendly, responsive design would be an investment in the future of your business.
$129 and some effort vs a few hundred (or more) for someone else to do it... Whichever way, you need to get going on a responsive re-do. Don't forget, you can try RLMP for free. And there's lots of help here to get you going.
Also, if someone made you a really good offer to do your site over in RLMP, basic edits (change some text, swop a photo) could be done in the editor. You might be able to contract with someone here for more involved edits/changes as needed. ;)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,108 posts

I agree with paintbrush, this is an investment worth making! Either way you go it will be worth the time and money spent on customer acquisition. Lets face it if a customer comes on your site and is frustrated trying to navigate around he will quickly leave and find the next guy in line.

If you want do as paintbrush suggests and download the free trial and give it a go. After a bit of a learning curve and some help in the forums if you get stuck you will find that it is not as complicated as you think.

That being said if you are completely stuck and would rather not invest the time and you want someone else to do the work for you, feel free to contact me via my website in the signature below. I will try to give the best price I can.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 404575 Photo

Registered User
887 posts

Thanks for the responses. I've barely learned how to mess with the CSS stuff so far, but I'm tempted. :)
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10

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