Have just had a concern raised from a mobile phone user relating to the way that RLM works.
His phone is in the range of 1920x1080 resolution, which is a higher resolution than I can do on my 17" laptop!
As a result of this, the page doesn't render any differently on his phone or on computers. "Buttons" are still tiny wee things on the phone even though they display at a good size on a desktop.
Any thoughts on how to work around this? He still has to zoom and scroll to be able to read the page because the layout/breakpoints are basically designed around pixels - and he has them to spare! (I am seeing a possiblilty of doing reverse breakpoints - setting them so that above a certain number of pixels everything gets bigger again - and can we get a way to set breakpoints by pixel numbers? I can't do a 1920 wide screen even though I'd love to make a page able to deal with that
