RLM vs RSD - Post ID 234621

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Mark Dean wrote:
Scott, can you define soon :D

I’ve played with RLM and like it but want to be able to do more with it (such as adding the correct images without going into the html file). I can see where RLM might be of use to a working site designer to show samples to customers, but us hobbyist need more ;)

Soon = Anytime between 1 minute from now and the year 2016. ;)

Adding images can be done right through RLM though. You have had that option for quite a while now.

http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … yout-maker

Well at least I don't have to wait until 2018 :cool: I might be dead by then :D

Yea, you got me on the image thing :/ But you know what I mean I think. Change colors of buttons withing the program, add background image within program, etc.
User 38401 Photo

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*Erases Scott's 2016 ending date for soon and changes it to 2525* :P
User 732206 Photo

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In 2016, everything will be responsive, even time... so 2016 could be any number of days depending on what will be needed to launch RSD :)
User 10077 Photo

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Mark Dean wrote:
Yea, you got me on the image thing :/ But you know what I mean I think. Change colors of buttons withing the program, add background image within program, etc.

Mark, Think of it this way: skeleton, muscles and skin. The skeleton is the framework on which the muscles hang and the skin covers it all and makes it look better than just seeing muscle and bone. RLM designs the skeleton and for a responsive site, there is A LOT of css coding that goes on. CC has put in many features that go beyond just the "skeleton," but most are done with an editor.

Scott Swedorski wrote:

All I can say now is RSD will open an RLM project file and RSD will function exactly like RLM but will allow you to add your content directly to it instead of exporting from RLM and adding your content inside of an editor. RLM and RSD will always be two separate products that handle different tasks. One will not require the other (although they can be used together).

Can't wait! Will RSD allow coding (such as php) or is it only for visual content?
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User 171749 Photo

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Brian Durfee wrote:

Mark, Think of it this way: skeleton, muscles and skin. The skeleton is the framework on which the muscles hang and the skin covers it all and makes it look better than just seeing muscle and bone. RLM designs the skeleton and for a responsive site, there is A LOT of css coding that goes on. CC has put in many features that go beyond just the "skeleton," but most are done with an editor.

I like the feel of RLM but it seems to leave me wanting more. I look at something and think why can’t I add a drop shadow to that or why cant I add rounded corners to this or a background image there would look good. I guess I was looking for an application that would give me a finished product without the need to edit a bunch of code. That’s why I’m real curious to see what RSD will do.
User 2088758 Photo

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I like the feel of RLM but it seems to leave me wanting more. I look at something and think why can’t I add a drop shadow to that or why cant I add rounded corners to this or a background image there would look good. I guess I was looking for an application that would give me a finished product without the need to edit a bunch of code. That’s why I’m real curious to see what RSD will do.

You are not alone here. But just think of the time RLM saves. It took me literally weeks to get a responsive design responding correctly. Then a client would call me and say, "No, I kind of like it if you could move this here, and that there!" Well back to the code and try to figure out how to move it. Then constantly uploading and refreshing a server copy.

With RLM you don't need to do that. It gives you a great preview and lets you very easily change the breakpoints and spans of different elements. This beast of a tool is as good as it gets. I challenge you to a dual... you create a responsive website in HTML Editor and I will create one in RLM let see who is faster and by how much :)

Just kidding of course :) but you get the idea.

I heard a rumor somewhere that every time someone asks about when RSD is coming they are going to push back the release date 24 hours. LOL... I hope not. We are all very excited to see this software.

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Steve wrote:

I heard a rumor somewhere that every time someone asks about when RSD is coming they are going to push back the release date 24 hours. LOL... I hope not. We are all very excited to see this software.

Logged. ;)
User 103173 Photo

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Steve wrote:

I heard a rumor somewhere that every time someone asks about when RSD is coming they are going to push back the release date 24 hours. LOL... I hope not. We are all very excited to see this software.

Not a rumor Steve, that is a fact! At this rate, we now have until 2075 to release RSD. ;)
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User 2088758 Photo

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Eeeeek! :D:D:D:lol::lol:
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

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User 188640 Photo

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I guess that means we all better get 'really' good with RLM because we won't be around when RSD gets released. :D
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