RLM vs RSD - Post ID 237501

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Ernie Hodge wrote:
I guess that means we all better get 'really' good with RLM because we won't be around when RSD gets released. :D

You said RSD Ernie! That is +1 day. ;)

Dang, didn't mean to add another day. I'll be really careful from now on and not use those three letters together again. :)
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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Gunsmoke wrote:
Another thing Rick, in case you missed it, is that RLM layouts can be imported and used in RSD when it is ready. At least that was my understanding. So by no means is it a waste of time to learn RLM. I'm not sure exactly what RSD is gonna look and/or work like but I'm thinking you can create layouts in RLM, have them handy, then when you want to create a site simply import your RLM layout into RSD and add the content and viola, done! Sounds good. Now, if the good fairy can deliver, I know, soon . . .:cool:

That is exactly how it will work. RSD will pretty much look exactly like RLM but with additional functionality. Getting to know RLM now will greatly help you when you start using RSD.

Good Day Scott... I've been out of the loop for awhile.. What is the status on RSD? Is it a possibility that would might be released by the end of 2014? I'm just looking for a ballpark time.. I promise I would hold you to it :D
User 434929 Photo

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The latest news I heard about RSD release date it goining to be year 2020 :D
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Yea, CC won't commit to a deadline. It just takes too much programming and 'tweaking' to create a program like this. It's all new. They are working hard on it. Basically it'll be done when it's done. That's all we hear about it. We just have to sit around and chew nails till they release it! :P
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I’m sure it will be released when a grid system and responsive pages are no longer used to build sites :lol:
User 2147626 Photo

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Eeek! Let's hope not!! :lol:
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Russell LeChard wrote:

Good Day Scott... I've been out of the loop for awhile.. What is the status on RSD? Is it a possibility that would might be released by the end of 2014? I'm just looking for a ballpark time.. I promise I would hold you to it :D

Mansour ... wrote:
The latest news I heard about RSD release date it goining to be year 2020 :D

-2 days... :o

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NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Stop the madness!
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Somebody needs to CLOSE this thread!! :o

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Gunsmoke wrote:
Somebody needs to CLOSE this thread!! :o


Minus 1 Gunsmoke! :)
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