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User 331435 Photo

21 posts

Steve and Adam,
Thank you for the critique and suggestions.

Steve, I don't know how to add breakpoints that alter the way rows align/reduce themselves.
I attempted to slide the responsive simulator "thingy" to the suggested pixel points, thinking
that would establish the change. But of course breakpoint dots appeared and the functionality
remained the same. Please enlighten me?.:| How do I Do it?

Adam, I agree that auto playing music can be annoying and even startling. I have explained
the reality to my clients. I'm waiting for their reply. They're young folks but one of the goals for
this website is to encourage individuals and corporations to contribute financially. Really don't
want to turn them off in the first ten seconds.

Thanks guys
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Here I made a short tutorial showing you how to create the effect I was talking about.

Sorry I made this tutorial with no sound. If it is to hard to follow please let me know and I will recreate it tonight with sound for you.

Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 331435 Photo

21 posts

Thank you for directing me to your awesome tutorial!
I have changed the center images on the first page so far.
I will change the "Sponsor" page soon.

Have you ever built an RLM website wherein you incorporated
a "Login" interface so that customers can go to a page to download docs
created specifically for them? A login experience similar to the average Shopping cart so that customers can view their buying history, etc? I also have questions about databases and the form builder. I have just acquired a new customer with these needs.

Again, I thank you for the tutorial.
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Yes I have actually and I use Website Access Manager to do it. You can find out more information about it here:

I never really created a login box per say but if you scroll down to "View Meeting Minutes" and click the button you will get prompted to log in before you can see the content. Basically its all their meeting minutes and special members only downloads area.

If you are looking for an account based storage then no I haven't set something like that up as of yet.

Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 331435 Photo

21 posts

Thank you for the timely response. I took a look at the Website Access Manager page but I couldn't figure out how to find the "View Meeting Minutes" area you mentioned. Please give me clarity there.
Can you direct me to one of your sites that you have incorporated website access manager and perhaps one where you used ROM with Shopping Cart Pro.

User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Oh sorry I forgot to paste my the website i build lol... here it is:

View Meeting Minutes is near the bottom. And I haven't used anything with SCCP that wasn't default.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 331435 Photo

21 posts

Excellent website!
Very eye-catching, User Friendly, Awesome Fonts/text treatments, Colorful, great buttons, beautiful menu...
Man, the bar is rising.:)

I saw the "minutes" piece too... Yeah, that's nice. It's got my wheels turning about how I can use WAM in my current project.
Thanks Steve. You have been very helpful as usual. You've got the light bulbs popping up and shining bright.:o

User 2098239 Photo

Registered User
17 posts

Hello everyone.
I just dropped in to put my latest rlm build up on the forum..

here it is. .

cheers Carl

User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

Carl Hawkins wrote:
Hello everyone.
I just dropped in to put my latest rlm build up on the forum..
here it is. .
cheers Carl

Hey Carl,

Looks good! I would make one recommendation however and that is to add a little space between everything. Separate it a little bit so it is easier to read. :)
User 2098239 Photo

Registered User
17 posts

Thank you, I still have some edits , so I will take a look at your suggestion..Thank you..

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