Here is my first go around with RLM.
I love it, I hate it. It is pretty fast and will be better once I get a better handle on it. This is two days works. I ithnk the documentation sucks. Actually it is the documentation I hate. It is all over the place, text here and there, videos on youtube and coffee cup. There should be one place that defines what stuff does and where it goes. I could have done this site in one long day.
So when you go to edit text and change the colour, you cannot enter in the RGB values, you have to dick around with the slider and try and get as close as possible. An eyedropper would be nice. If you had a container object that a guy could add html code to I wouldn't have needed to fire up the HTML editor. The other oddity that drove me nuts was: when entering images with the path e.g. images\logo it would change it to images%5Clogo after you leave the field. But thanks to the stellar documentation after two hours I figured out what was going on.
So this little site was my learner. Now on to a bigger one
Have fun
If you stand by,the ocean, it sounds like you are holding a conch to your ear.