Domain & DNS Help - Post ID 298921

User 2878400 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I am trying to route my domains to CoffeeCup and struggling to understand what information is needed in what boxes.
Please see attached image of crazy domains dns management page.
If some one can help me on what info I need to add/change that would be great :)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Everything looks good there. It can take up to 24 hours for the DNS to propagate. If you need help associating it with your account, open a support ticket and we can help you do that.
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User 3103392 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I have been struggling for DAYS trying to get my site to come up.

I have the domain, which I registered through, and cannot get my website to come up.

Here is what I attempted thus far.

I went into Manage DNS on, created an A-record with the IP Address

I went into Manage Domains on, and created an alias (, to point to the url address assigned to my hosting space by S-Drive (

I went back into Manage DNS on, created a CName record (see attachment for the Add CName Record Screen over at the WhoIs registrar) and entered "" in the bottom box next to "Value" where it says "(Type In A Fully Qualified Domain Name eg.", but when I attempted to click on "Add Record", I got an error message--"A record Exists having same name. Please Check For Record Conflicts."--even though there were no CName records prior to my going into the screen to Add a CName record. (See attachment)

I cannot pull the website up with I can only get it to come up with When I try to use, I get the page that says "Nothing Here Yet . . . "

(Note: I established that the website home page IS being uploaded to the S-Drive, as it turns up in the S-Drive screen after DirectFTPing it over, because my index.html file appears in the S-Drive, just as it would appear when using the drag-and-drop method to upload files to the S-Drive.)

This has been going on for DAYS, and my wife and I are VERY disillusioned, not to mention exhausted, by all of this. We're trying to launch our site and our brand, people are getting product with our website on the packaging, and the website is just not coming up! There's been a LOT of back and forth with your support team--try this--try that. . . . We're at the end of our rope! Can someone PLEASE just set this up for us so that we can move on? Please???? Perhaps someone can reach out to me by phone 917-562-3476, and just walk me through this, step by step, so that I can get this site up and running, once and for all? Please????

Your PROMPT response will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Steve Weber & Carol Saunds

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,593 posts

In this forum, you meet Coffeecup users, not the support team. I have now relayed your questions to the CC staff, so hopefully, you'll get some help from a staff member.

Please don't post the same question in several threads. That is likely to create two discussions about the same thing. I have deleted your other post.
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