domain question - Post ID 196368

User 2310574 Photo

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24 posts

We had a domain administrator who renewed our domain for us with his email address as admin. He will help us transfer it to the registrar of our choosing. I would like to try S Stream with our domain. Do I need to transfer our domain to another registrar? It is currently registered with Go daddy and it looks like it has a hosting on 3rd party server (may belong to the current admin, not sure.) It has all the previous admin's info on GoDaddy. I see that I can buy a domain from S Stream...but transfer?

How do I proceed?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hi Pam

Since your domain name is already with Godaddy, there is no need to transfer it to us. All you have to do is a small DNS change and point that over to your S-Drive account.

We have instructions here on how to do this: … h-s-drive/
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User 2405149 Photo

1 post

Hello Sir,
i want to set my cofeecup subdomain with external domain name. kindly tell me how this is done..i have domain on

Thanks and Regards
Ravi Dhir
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This will help you out.:) … h-s-drive/
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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Hi Pam

Since your domain name is already with Godaddy, there is no need to transfer it to us. All you have to do is a small DNS change and point that over to your S-Drive account.

We have instructions here on how to do this: … h-s-drive/

If I use S-Drive will my domain name be changed from to
User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

you will need to set up your CC subdomain first (ie)

Then change the cname records at Goddady, and the dns records.

48 hours later will display your website, and no one will be aware it is actually at

And its free so you will have just saved yourself $$$$$$

Or if you want to close down your Goddady account completely, and save yourself some hair pulling, send in a support ticket to CC and ask them to transfer your domain in.
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