What's the most you should pay for...

User 373435 Photo

Registered User
114 posts

Hi All,

Can anybody tell me what's the most you should have to pay for web site hosting. We have company who wants to charge us $ 1,800.00 / yr to host our site. I still have to ask what's included in that price, but I think there are crazy. Any input would be appreciated.
User 2484360 Photo

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3,293 posts

$1,800 a year! Someone needs to lay off the Medical "stuff"... It may be legal in some states but unless that includes a gold router that is way to much.

Have you looked at S-Drive?

S-Drive is a set of integrated services provided by CoffeeCup that work together toward a single purpose: Simplifying the process of creating and maintaining your website!

I would recommend you take a look at it as plans start for around $4.95 per month!
User 187934 Photo

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Adam is correct. CC's plans are in line with the going market. It comes down to what your needs are as far as backend scripts. I would think the most you would find out there would be in the 12.95 a month range but that would include some extra stuff like ssl.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

I just launched a new site for someone who had been paying $350 a month for a crappy template site. There were no custom add-ons, no e-commerce, no data-bases.... nothing special. And they couldn't customize the template!
Don't get sucked into one of those deals!
A $3.99 to $5.99 a month hosting plan covers most anything you want/need. Even adding SSL wouldn't bump it up much more. I have accounts with a few different hosts and an S-Drive account, too. S-Drive is extremely reliable and very easy to use. ;)
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User 10077 Photo

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It really depends on what you need. $1800/year is $150/mth. That's along the lines of some managed dedicated server rates that I have seen. If your web site requires that the entire server be dedicated to your web site or if your web site demands server resources such that you need the entire server, then it might not be an unreasonable price.

It could also be that the hosting company is providing additional services that are related to your web site. If you are in a particular vertical market, it might be that they are offering a package that not only provides hosting, but also ties into your billing and gives you other services. For example, I have an orthodontist client, and we used to tie his site into a 3rd party system that interfaced with his billing and imaging systems. Patients could go online, see their accounts, pay their bill, and even view the teeth images.

On the other hand, if you have a standard web site that is like the majority of the web sites out there, $150/mth is extreme overkill. Hosting with S-drive meets the needs of most sites.

I think the key is to determine the needs of your site and then find a server that provides it, but if you have a pretty standard web site, S-Drive could be a great choice for you.
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User 373435 Photo

Registered User
114 posts

This is what I found it comes with:

server hosting, brute force security, search engine registrations, maintenance, service inclusive. I still think it's way to much, but it's not my call.

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