Category Menu Items - Post ID 243688

User 2065573 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I am trying to redevelop my website with a new theme. I want to be able to list all the categories as static menu items on a left hand menu. To this end I have selected the Blank Pro Theme.

I understand this is not a feature of the software but I believe there is a method of achieving this. I would be grateful for any advice.

Please be advised when responding you are dealing with an amateur!
User 2065573 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Really disappointed at the lack of response. I was given to believe this modification was achievable and consequently had hoped for some assistance.

This has been my first post on a Coffee Cup forum and the lack of response does not fill me with optimism for future assistance.
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Hey Wairds,

Sorry for your lack of response as I honestly didn't see this post until now. Are you OK with having both menus horizontal and vertical? Here is an example of a static menu on the left... Is that your desired effect.
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User 2065573 Photo

Registered User
4 posts


Greatly appreciate your response. Would have responded earlier but am located in the UK!

What I would like to achieve is a vertical menu on the left hand side of the screen which would expand/collapse through the categories/sub-categories as the customer navigated through the menu items.

By way of an example I attach the website I am trying to redevelop. As you can see the customer has to hover over the Shop menu item to view the categories. What I would like to achieve is for the top-level categories to be listed vertically on the left hand side of the screen and for the sub-categories to be listed in a similar fashion if the customer selects the high level category.

Hope that makes sense. I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give me!



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