Centering a logo on your cart header...

User 440491 Photo

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I'm setting up a new shopping cart to replace some pages on our website that a programmer left us with over 7 years ago. Now that I have the cart it's relatively easy. But, I was trying to center the logo on the shop home page so it appears exactly as it does on all our pages but I can't seem to get it to center. The site I am duplicating is and the page I want to replace with the new shopping cart is

In SCDP I first set the header properties for the background to no repeat, then the horizontal positioning to align to center with no offset, and the vertical settings to align to top with an offset of 45. I entered the shop logo at exactly the same size as the standard template logo on our website so when people arrive at the shop they won't notice a difference. I then saved the page and the logo is off to the left of the center point that I need it at. I kept adjusting the offset on the horizontal and no matter what I put into the offset the logo never moves. Any ideas what I am missing? I know I got this to work once before, but that was over 8 months ago and now I have the time to go back to fix it up more before I load it.
User 38401 Photo

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Hiya Vance,
It looks centered to me, did you figure it out already on your own?
User 187934 Photo

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Centered here also.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 440491 Photo

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no, it's not posted yet.I tried to attach it, but no matter what the size of the file this editor won't let me attach the file to it. Grrrrrr......
User 187934 Photo

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Less then 100k.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 440491 Photo

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Maybe this will work...try #2 to attach...
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Vance,

Did you put that in the Page Header Background location or in the Shop Logo location in the settings of the Header Properties?

If it's in the Logo location, move it to the Page Header Background location. I'm just guessing here, but seems like that might be the issue. If it's already in the Page Header Background setting then it should adjust with the padding and margin settings. Have you tried putting a specific number in the boxes instead of hitting the center dot? If not try that (if it's already in the Page Header Background setting that is)
User 440491 Photo

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I put it in the Shop Logo location in the Header Properties because that's what the help files indicated. Also, there's no place to put it in the Page Properties (background). I already have a background picture loaded into the background on the Page Properties which creates the backdrop of the water, sunrise, etc. and the only way I could get the logo into that is to go into PhotoShop and place it on the background. I've done that in the past but then doing any future updates is more of a hassle and if you need to scale the background the logo gets deformed.

When I use the centering dot I did also put in specific offset numbers to make it move one way or the other for adjusting but it never moved at all. Only way I could get it to move was to make the logo bigger but then it didn't match my other template pages on the site.

So I'm unclear how I put it in the Page Header Background with only one background picture option unless I do what I mention above using PhotoShop.

I remember that I got it to center using the shop logo box in the Header Properties with my previous logo in an earlier version of the code (about a year ago) and this one is the same proportions, etc. to the old logo. It's the fact that it's not moving at all when I try to offset it that has me boggled.

I'm using vs 3.9 Build 463 of Pro so maybe something has changed in the code since I did it last? Sure got me on this one...

Thanks for your help.

User 440491 Photo

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6 posts here's my latest update just after posting the one above. This is rather interesting...

I just rebooted and deleted the logo in the Header Properties and then started over from scratch. It first placed the logo on the left hand side against the border. I clicked the middle centering dot and VIOLA! It worked as it should. It's centered! Imagine, don't know what was causing the problem but it's clear I had a memory stomp going on and until I cleared out my system by rebooting I couldn't access the code properly. But it's working now. So, thanks again!
User 440491 Photo

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6 posts

One other thing. I noticed that I misunderstood what you suggested so I found that I actually placed it in the Page Header Background as you suggested and then deleted it out of the Shop Logo box. And it worked. So it sounds like there may be some offset issues with the Shop Logo box. Anyway...just happy it worked. :)

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