The Philosopher wrote:
Here is where it is located on my computer. I run windows 7.
C/Users/(Your Computer Name/Documents/Coffee Cup Software/Shopping Cart/Images
Thanks Philosopher. I have found that directory already, but I can't find where to change it within the Designer Program itself. I changed it in a prior version, but I can't see it in the options in this version, only an option to change the Sold Out icon.
Also, if I want to use the header from Modern Chic with another template, how do I find the Modern Chic header? I have searched through all the folders in the images directory and it seems quite empty, even items such as "Sold Out". I only have one inside the product folder - a round red sold out. I don't seem to have the images from the templates inside the images folders for all templates, only some.
I have not been able to locate any add to cart or view details buttons in the images folder. I would like to mix & match from various templates, but am at a loss to work out how it's done if the images are not there to select.