Is there anyway to retrieve a template I have loaded onto my website.
I built a template using SCDP, built a store and had a massive local hardware failure (lightning strike blew out my battery backup/surge protector), virtually nothing was recoverable from the hard drive. Is there a way for me to get my template off my website so that I will not have to rebuild the template.
At least I had put the SCCP on a flash drive.
Lost Template - Post ID 145752
Ouch! No there is no way to retrieve that from your server.
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I didn't think there was, but thought I would ask. Back to the drawing board! errr shopping cart designer pro 

Sorry, but no again. Once you make a theme and add it to your shop, it extracts those files and compiles it into the shop. There is no way to extract that data and then build a theme from it.
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