Optional Webpage? - Post ID 150193

User 2155129 Photo

Registered User
10 posts

I just started using Designer Pro a couple weeks ago and I have my shop pretty close to were I want it to be. I was however looking at the Optional Web Page feature in Designer but I can't seem to find anything in the help file on how it's used or implemented in conjunction with Cart Creator.

Can anyone shed some light on:

How it is implemented in Cart Designer Pro
How it is integrated with Cart Creator
If someone has actually used it in the site I would appreciate a link so I can see how it looks in action

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Doug,

If I'm understanding you correctly, the Optional Page feature is when you add extra pages to your site using the Shopping Cart Creator/Pro. In the Designer you would setup how you want the page to be displayed themewise. In the Creators you would add a new page to your shop which would then use the settings you created in the Designer when you choose that theme to use.

I'm not at home to be able to look at the programs at the moment (vacation again lol), but in the Creators you should be able to find the part where you can add new pages to the shop. This will automatically integrate your settings for your theme that you exported to the Creator from the Designer.

Hope that makes sense and answers your questions. If not please let us know :)
User 471275 Photo

1,130 posts

Mainly you can use it to set a background image, background colour, a border and determine the font size and colour of the extra pages.

A nice trick is to add pictures to your optional pages. This is not done in the designer but in the shopping cart itself on the page where you want the images. The way to do this is first upload the images you want to use to the main shopping cart file (the section where your index.php is). Then in the shopping cart optional page add the image code, you can also have the pictures left or right from the text by using the align html code.

I have done this in the home page of a site that is still under construction. I have added two images one with the code I used for the images and the other the final result.

Hope this helps style your pages.

User 2155129 Photo

Registered User
10 posts

Now that's an interesting way of designing a home page. So what you have done with this example is to eliminate displaying any products on the home page through the My Shop setting and used this as your entry page?
User 471275 Photo

1,130 posts


No, do not eliminate the products showing on the home page through My Shop.

I created categories and when placing the products in the categories I made sure on the left side where it has a star and a globe that the star is not ticked i.e. show on shop home page. (image attached)

This leaves the home page empty and only shows the products when you click on the category. (image attached)

This way you can have the home page as an entry page with text and images. You can add images this way to any pages you add to your shopping cart.

You can also edit the price tag, as you can see in one of the images attached I made mine redish to fit the layout of the website. You can create your own price tag or get an image from the weg (make sure it is the right size) and insert it by using the cart designer. (Image attached where to insert it)

You can also create your own header image and insert it. To avoid their own header text shopping cart interfering with your own header image, you can cancel it out by ticking the box under the font tab called 'hide text'. If you need an image how to do this let me know.

I have created an own header image in the background of the page titel properties where it says home page and showes which category you are on. If you need an image on how to do this let me know.
This way you kind of have the website and shopping cart in one.

Hope all of the above helps in your design.


User 2155129 Photo

Registered User
10 posts

Sorry I somewhat abandoned this post.. I have been focusing on the core sections of the site and am just now getting back to this topic. :P

I think I am not describing what I am looking for correctly. What I want to do is add one more button or selection at the top of my shop. I want to add "Previous Work" this would be beside the "View Cart" selection on the page below. Since this is a "sales" function (showing previous work) we want to keep it in the shop section and not on the home page of the website.


On the "Previous Work" page I want to display images and some descriptions of previous work she has done. This list of items will grow over time.

I have designed my website and shop themes to be exactly the same so the user doesn't know they are moving between the two. If I could drop a button contol somewhere on my shop I could just link it to my website which would be much easier but I don't see where I can do add controls to my shop using designer which is why I am trying the "Optional Web Page" route.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

Doug, Take a look at this thread. Hazy was trying to accomplish the same thing. At this time you can't add an extra link tab but you can add another category using the same methods as with Hazy's shop.:)

http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/shoppin … t-display/
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2155129 Photo

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10 posts


Not to get off the subject but is that picture you with Jacques Cousteau? :cool:

The post your reference will be a great start.. Not sure which way I want to go right now but that is definitely an option! Kiddo's to you!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

Doug Horner wrote:

Not to get off the subject but is that picture you with Jacques Cousteau? :cool:

Yup thats him.:)

Are you a scuba diver?:cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 193638 Photo

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557 posts

Don't ya just love Photoshop ;)

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