slide show in static content border -...

User 406455 Photo

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Hello I am using the pro version theme fresco.
Is there any way to put a coffeecup gallery in the static content border?
Even if there isn't, when I preview the theme the image doesn't show up at all.

I read about being able to code in a gallery, but when I enter anything in HTML only the code shows up on the page, not the gallery. Do I need to add all the <body> etc. tags in html to recognize my pasted code for

Please help
User 187934 Photo

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Anything as far as adding a gallery would be done in SCCP. Take a look at the shop in my sig for ideas. Post back if you have some questions.:)
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User 406455 Photo

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Can I use the moo tools marquee slideshow in place of the existing image? I see the J query slide show but i don't see the coding for it in your shop. Thanx!
User 187934 Photo

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Yup. What I tell users to do is get your JQuery slide show working on a blank html page then hand code an iframe into your shops page that points to the jquery page on your server. This technique keeps things neat and clean and you don't have to worry about going over the 15k character limit for the page.:) Plus by doing it this way getting the slide show to work is much easier because you can use one of the examples provided by the Jquery slide show that you like.
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User 406455 Photo

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thank you that helps.

as for the iframe can you only test it once its uploaded since you would need to list the the iframe under the we page

<iframe src=";height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

or can i paste the pagewithiframe.html file into the roof folder >>mywebsite_files and test in preview?
User 187934 Photo

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What I do is make the link to the page absolute for testing then change it after I know it works.:)
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User 406455 Photo

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So work with me. I'm trying to figure this out. thanks for your help thus far.

for the moo slide show, I can insert in into a vsd page to link to correct?

if so, do I simply place the html box in the corner of the top of the page?
as far as inserting to the shop. do i put the "slideshow.html" in the root file?

also, so it said place part of the code in an html box and the rest in a header in vsd the rest of the code? How do i call the header?

Sorry I'm a little loss right now.
User 187934 Photo

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You can put the files for the slide show anywhere you like. You'll adjust the src for the iframe to reflect that. There's no calling the header or anything else because all the needed code is on the separate page. You code an iframe into your shop, adjust the src for the iframe to point to the page location and that's it. That's the beauty of this way of doing it. It won't create a bloated shop and it easy to change the content in a snap.
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