thumbnail alignment - Post ID 209779

User 506998 Photo

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My optional image thumbnails for a product line up vertically, even if I resize. Is there a way to make them line up horizontally under the main image?
User 187934 Photo

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Which theme are you using?:)
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User 506998 Photo

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Hey... I'm using a custom theme. In Designer I can see how to re-size the thumbnails but not how to reposition their layout.
User 187934 Photo

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I wonder if one of your settings is forcing them to be that way.
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User 506998 Photo

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So you are saying that they should lie horizontal? Because I've seen other store examples where they were stacked vertically as well. The image size (in Designer) is set at a width of 333 and the thumbnail is less than half that at 160. I can see where the thumbnail size might need to be less than half the width of the main image for two of them to lay side by side. Do I need to make the thumbs even smaller in width?
User 187934 Photo

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I'm not saying they should. I don't know as I don't know what you have done or which theme you started with.:)
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User 506998 Photo

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OK... that's it. Funny... the thumbs need to be 159 pixels wide or less in my case! There must be padding involved that is eating up some space. Hey... while I got ya... and maybe this question should be moved, but I noticed that even though Creator makes copies of your images when you import them, only the thumbnails are physically re-sized. The larger displayed images are the same size as the originals but simply scaled on the screen. This is a big waste of bandwidth and slows down publishing. It looks like 418 pixels is the actual max height of a displayed image and the width is variable up to around 900 pixels. Does that sound about right? So really imported images could be sized to a max height of 418 to lighten the store....? Thanks.
User 187934 Photo

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I think it's 400px if I remember correctly. I remember messing with that same thing with somebody else.
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User 506998 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:
I think it's 400px if I remember correctly.

Thanks but... when I examine the online code (right click, info in Firefox or use Firebug) it shows me the height is 418. Not much difference, but I wouldn't want the image to be screen enlarged at all. Better to shrink or best to have an identical screen display size than to enlarge. I know I'm beating this up and I suppose I have my answer. I do believe however that this is something very basic that should be addressed in the PDF instructions.
I moved this question to the proper forum here, BTW, to help future searches: … or-import/
User 187934 Photo

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I just checked my shop and my product images are 300px.:)
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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