Whaaaaat? Only two hands?!?! It's def time to upgrade! ;-) You should look into that Programmer 2.0.1 that's out now, i think. Codes while sleeping or something?
Really though - totally understood SS Awesome (see - always on top of stuff) I was using the word simple loosely - you're right, i have no idea what type of frame work you've got in place over there or how you have it developed and that even in the best environment - things still get missed when changes are made.
Please, don't think we're not appreciative of what has been done and the tool that's available - we know, most of us, the number of hours, family time and sleep loss that's been sacrificed - but you as a developer annnnnd a user, know that sometimes things, when ya need'em feel like such a big deal.
For example remember before Eclipse had the CVS Repository - we were all frustrated by that - but we got around it - now it has it and we're all happy. Now we can sync and update without all the hassle.
That's all I'm saying - I'm sure your list of updates/changes/mods/upgrades/enhancements is a long one. And i feel for ya. In fact, I'll make you a deal - you drop in (again - loosely on the terminology)

pagination and i'll do all the documentation and screen shots for ya. :-) juuuuuuuuuuust offering!