Find order data sent to...

User 91551 Photo

Registered User
6 posts


I'm tweaking the PHP-code from SCCP but have a hard time finding the data of what has been ordered.
I need to be able to only e-mail the data to me as I simply send them an invoice, and since that option isn't in SCCP I have to "make" it myself.

So, I really need to know how to find the data sent of what is ordered and how many in the PHP code. (No variable or array I try seems to exist..., and the server does not tell me too. [Is it Java-code involved?])

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,255 posts

Hi Mikael,
At the top of SCCP
1. Click on Your Shop
2. Click on Inventory
3. Check the Use transaction Logging box and enter a username and password, You may need to republish your shop after doing this.

4. Click on Actions at the top of SCCP
5. Now click on View Transaction Log.
6. When the webpage loads enter the username and password you entered earlier.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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