The problem becomes apparent when you look at the home page and the navigation menu. Originally I had a lightbox slide show there but now i have tried with just a plain image and no matter what I try I cannot get the menu to show up over-top the image/slideshow. I tried messing around with the css of the shopping cart with now luck.
I was able to do it with this site I built . It only worked there because the Product List Main Background properties were set to transparent. Then when I adjust the z-index of the slide show to -1 in my markup.
I cannot do this with BobbieJoes shop because I would like to keep the stars in the background with a solid black color for the Main Background properties of the Product List.
Any Ideas how i can override this so my menu shows on top of the gallery?
Thanks in advance.
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA