Shopping Cart in a Frame - Post ID...

User 371048 Photo

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59 posts

Can someone briefly tell me what I need to do in order to get shopping cart creator to load into a frame/window on an HTML website? I have a site designed that I'd like to use that I need to load the shopping cart into, but unsure how to do that.

Can I load it in a <div> </div> to appear in a certain area? While creating the shopping cart, any specific things I need to do so it will work within a standard website?

(In case it matters, I used HTML Editor for design work)

Thank you.
-- me

User 187934 Photo

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Frame or iframe?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 371048 Photo

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59 posts

Eric Rohloff (Rolly) wrote:
Frame or iframe?

I'm not 100% certain ... I believe an iframe as it's essentially an HTML document within another HTML document? Sorry - I'm in learning mode.

I would like to load the shopping cart in the place here where the ABOUT US and CAROL and MARY's information will appear (leaving the space on the left for pics.

Thank you.

-- me

User 187934 Photo

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20,250 posts

Use the absolute link to your shop for testing then change it to relative after you know things are correct.:)
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="800">
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 516268 Photo

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57 posts

Hi Eric,

I put my shopping cart in an iFrame as you indicated, but then PayPal Standard didn't work - even with Firefox. So I messed about and finally found the right place to add a target="blank_" statement and got it to open and process properly through PayPal in another window, but I now have created two other "difficulties" :) :

1. The original window remains open with the items still showing in the shopping cart
2. PayPal does not return to the original iFrame arrangement, but to a separate page for the shop only

So questions:
1. Is there a way to actually incorporate the PayPal process in the iFrame?
2. If 1. is not possible, how can I close the original shopping cart window when the new window opens for the PayPal transaction?
3. How do I redirect PayPal to an iFrame page with the checkoutpps.php info in the iFrame?
4. If 3. is not possible, how can I change the address for the "Done-Return to Shop" link so I can at least send them back to the iFrame home page?

Website address is

Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance for any help!
Woofs & Hoofs Animal Massage - "Helping your pet feel good, naturally!"
User 10077 Photo

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1,096 posts

#2: Instead of using target="_blank", use target="_top". It opens in the full window. See:
I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
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Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
User 516268 Photo

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57 posts

Thanks, Brian! That fixes the PayPal window issue! Perfect!

Any idea how to do item 3. or 4.?? :D
Woofs & Hoofs Animal Massage - "Helping your pet feel good, naturally!"
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I'm going to assume here that you have a separate website from your shopping cart site, and I am wondering why you don't just setup the home page of your shop to be your website home page? You are going through an awful lot of hassle to redirect them there when it will redirect correctly if you don't mess with an I frame. I frames are also not the most secure way to handle shop and can mess with your ability to use the inventory system.

You can easily set up your websites home page to be the home page of your shop and rename your shop's home page to something like Shop Now or Enter Shop or whatever. This change to the home page is done right in your Shop Tools settings. Take a look there and see how easy it is to do.

Now I may me misunderstanding the reason for your wanting an I frame, but it's usually because the user doesn't realize they can run the 2 site together fairly seamlessly. Then just add the shop to your websites menu and it will flawlessly go back and forth between them. Just a thought that will allow you to retain more functionality of the program. :)
User 516268 Photo

Registered User
57 posts

Hi Jo Ann,

I don't have a separate website for the shop, just a separate page that uses a template for the general format of all the pages. I figured out how to do it anyway. Just found and changed the href in file and it does exactly what I wanted. Just need to try and remember what changes I made in case I upload the shop again! :/

So the suggestion Brian made for the file and then the href change in the file and Bob's your uncle!

And saved here for posterity's sake. :lol:
Woofs & Hoofs Animal Massage - "Helping your pet feel good, naturally!"

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