The Sold Out logo is appearing on all my items when the add to cart is clicked. I'm not sure how to fix this.
I recently changed the background images for the cart buttons (add to cart, detail, delete and update cart) and I think this may be issue??? I've just checked the buttons after I'd changed them to the new image, so this may be coincidental - they may have been like that for sometime.
I have ticked "show remaining on product page" for every product, each item has "1" item in the quantities, and each item is in publish mode. I've tried clicking on "More Options" in the top navigation bar under "View" but this link does not work - if that is where I need to fix this?
Can anybody help me fix this problem, thankyou for you time.
Regards Lilac
Sold Out Appearing When Item Not Sold...
It's ok. I seemed to have solved the problem. I had the same image set for regular, hover and select. I changed them to different ones and this seemed to work.
It's ok. I seemed to have solved the problem. I had the same image set for regular, hover and select. I changed them to different ones and this seemed to work.
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