All sorts of issues. - Post ID 72053

User 426543 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I have had the same problem as Elizabeth and Susan. It's aggravating to say the least. The first time - after only 40 listings I got a preview error and upon closing and reopening the shopping cart creator, all 40 items were gone. So I followed your instructions about uninstalling the software and then re-installing it, after rebooting. It helped some, However after spending the past 2 days and 11 hours later, I am experiencing the same problem only now 420 items are GONE!!!!!:(:mad:

I have just NOW turned on my logging. I am sick of even messing with the dang software at this point. Now I get the pleasure of doing the same crap all over again and it probably won't work YET AGAIN.

here's my answers to your questions Scott.

I'm using version 3.0.4

-Operating system using?

-Internet explorer version?
IE 7

-Did you ever perform any upload?
no. Should I upload every 10 items or every 5, since it looks impossible to keep all my items on the software prog itself, I'm wondering if that would even work. Does this prog work like the html editor does and can you upload after so many pages? It doesn't look as if it would work that way.

-Did you ever manually save during the process?
Yes. Every 4th item.

-Do you have auto-save turned on or off?
It's ON for all the good THAT did, which is nada.

-Did you try opening up an auto-save project?
Why yes. Yes I did. And it's ALL GONE!!!! :mad: Where's the dang crying smiley???

-How many items did you have in the cart?

-How many groups did you have in the cart?

Now my turn -
Exactly what source files do you need besides the log? If I have it, I will send it. are you wanting the .scc file?
Do you have a direct email address besides this forum?

Normally I am very happy with coffee cup's software. and I understand that new programs will have bugs and all that good junk. It's just very disheartening to lose that much work, especially after sacrificing sleep just to work on this crap. With any luck I won't get a answer like "not enough memory" which is Not the problem as I have plenty.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

If you can send me the .scc file and the folder that also has all the images and other related files, I can try to open it here in a debug mode and see why it is wiping it out. My gut thinks this has to do with some specific character that you maybe entering that is causing the problem. Once I see the files, hopefully I can track it down. E-mail every thing directly to me at
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User 184072 Photo

63 posts

This thread sounds a lot like the problems I experienced shortly after installing and trying to learn Shopping Cart. I experienced each and every one described in this thread so far.

Windows XP, IE7 / Firefox + ZoneAlarm + ZoneAlarm ForceField:

1st, using ZoneAlarm firewall... I had to make sure cart had freedom to access internet and + server privileges.

2nd... Here's the bizarre part: Forcefield is an anonymous browsing utility. Good for what it's designed to do. I'd left it enabled, therefore Shopping Cart creation was doing its thing, but nothing would get saved properly!

3rd: Phishing filter: Turn it off. Go manual.

Windows VISTA, IE7 / Firefox / WinFirewall: Turn off Phishing Filter.

Cisco Wireless Router: reboot.

None of these issues seem to be a fault of the software. :)
Coincidental, tricky, strange, yes...

I think... therefore, I'm in a mess....
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

I had one customer have the same issue. He did a bit more research and here is what he found out:

"Well I thought that I had found the problem with the cart but it turns out that it has something to do with the hardware on the laptop or maybe a MS update that I may or may not have installed. I installed the newest cart software on my desktop and move the source files into the default folder and everything works fine, Go figure "Windows in a nut shell" I will work further work on this as soon as I get the my shop done."
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User 515027 Photo

Registered User
11 posts

Yeah, same problem here. I'm on a laptop now. I'm going to try opening the shop from my desktop computer. It was fine until today (and I tried installing the new version, 3.0.5, but it's still doing it).

I found they disappear on the screen but show back up in preview & upload.
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User 531981 Photo

6 posts

Hi all

After looking at both my laptop and desktop I found these differences.

T550 1,6GHz Centrino Duo__|__2,6GHz Hyper treading
1GB memory______________|__1GB memory
Windows controlled swap file__|__Swap file min=1536 max=3072
Service pack 2_____________|__Service pack 3
Internet Explorer 6 sp2______|__Internet Explorer 7.0
Nod32 Anti Virus___________|__Nod32 Anti Virus
Ad-Aware 7.1______________|__Ad-Aware 7.1

Shop Glitches______________|__Shop works fine

I can not install SP3 on my laptop due to compatibility issues = BSOD, so I can not test to see if this is the cause of my problems.

The swap file was the same on my laptop from the get go then I changed it for testing, the shop acted the same before and after the change.

Because the shop acts up before previewing it, I would exclude IE6 and IE7.

I believe that it is one of the many MS updates that has or has not been installed for me.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Can you try this. Go to the edit menu and then settings. Change the skin to modern. See if that helps any with the display.
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User 531981 Photo

6 posts


I changed the skin and restarted the laptop then the shop, it does the same thing.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Are you using large fonts (custom dpi settings)?
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User 531981 Photo

6 posts

No I installed the software mostly default, the only thing I changed was where the shop was being saved. I change that back by hand but it did not help. I then tried installing the newest shop version and it did the same thing.

I still believe that it is either;

1. Microsoft updates that are either installed or not.
2. My hardware on the laptop.

And I believe this do to the fact; that the shop software works fine on my desktop.

I still need a way to change the shops language to Swedish.
Another thing is moving the the monetary symbol behind the amount.
It should look like this 17,00kr or 17,- or 17:- not as it appears now kr17,00

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