Fractional Quantities - Post ID 142201

User 7842 Photo

Registered User
13 posts

We are looking to design a shopping cart that will sell fabric and we need to have the buyer input 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1+1/2, 1+1/4, etc

I see even with the "Let Buyer Choose" the result is "Only numbers are allowed in the Quantity field(s)." from the website.

Is there a trick to get this to work, or do I need to make a suggestion for an enhancement to the creator?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

There would be no way at this time to incorporate anything like that. You would need to sell everything in whole amounts.
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User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

HIya Kyle,

A nice easy work around for this would be to create Options for choosing the size/length they want and then when they choose the quantity they will be ordering x quantity of y sizes. Hope that helps :)
User 7842 Photo

Registered User
13 posts

Jo Ann,

I have that setup, but the price doesn't look at the Options. So if someone was to order say 1+1/2 yards, the quantity would be 1 and the option would be 1/2, however price would only be for 1 yard. Unless I'm missing how to link the Options to the price.

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Kyle,

Well if you set it up the original product in say the smallest increment (such as 1/4 yard), you would then set it up in the Optional Fields so that it is a dropdown of choices like this,

Lets say 1 yard = $6.00 so you'd first setup the main product price to be for 1/4 yard at say $1.50

Optional Fields
1/2 yard......$3.00
3/4 yard.......$4.50
1 yard.........$6.00

I am not 100% sure if you would put those exact prices as above or if you'd use the difference of the price and I think it's the difference. I'm not home to check this sorry. But if it's the difference then it would be like this:

Main Product Yardage: 1/4 at $1.50

Optional Fields
1/2 yard......$1.50
3/4 yard.......$3.00
1 yard.........$4.50
This would then add the above charges to the original price of $1.50 (I "think" this is how it is, but don't quote me on it and hopefully someone will verify this for us as I haven't messed with that a whole lot for a while).

This way if they order 1/4 yard and quantity is 1 then you would send them 1/4 yard. If they order 1/4 yard and quantity is 2 you'd send them a half yard (most likely they will be smart enough to choose 1 yard and larger quantities if they want more than 1 yard. You can add as many Optional Field data lines as you need so you can set it all the way up to 5 yards or more if you want just using increments of your prices.

I'm sure if you play around with those Optional Fields you'll find a way to accommodate your products, just takes a little time to get it started but.... Don't forget that you can share those fields with other products so you don't have to type it all out again, just may need to adjust prices. Helps a lot :)

Hopefully that makes more sense, gl with it :)
User 7842 Photo

Registered User
13 posts

Jo Ann,

Well I gave it the old college try, but no go. I ended up going with Zen Cart because I could create the list of yards and have it fill in the correct price within the cart.

It would be nice that Coffee Cup could link the items in the optional field to a price, but right now it is just a listing of items. Zen Cart allows for this and this is why we had to go with that product. :(

I know the guys/gals at Coffee Cup will continue to make the cart even better every time and I can't wait for the next round of improvements. In looking at the fabric market place, there are carts out there specifically for the fabric market, but the price for the cart is, well too much.

Thanks again for your help and support.


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