General Questions - Post ID 103485

User 31219 Photo

Registered User
58 posts

Thanks Will, Just that they sent an email recommending that I set up a IPN ,and that happened after I set up a return thank you page. I am glad I don't have to set that up. Another question is where do I find logos for advertising PayPal. I thought they might have a page for all that stuff unless I over looked it.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Bob wrote:
Another question is where do I find logos for advertising PayPal. I thought they might have a page for all that stuff unless I over looked it.;jsessionid=LNjNLF2h21qhMhX8m48XzkJJQphhRTGmj8myT7pG3ThypQpvjBVJ!746195378?locale=en_US&_dyncharset=UTF-8&countrycode=US&cmd=_help-ext&serverInstance=9006&t=solutionTab&ft=browseTab&ps=solutionPanels&solutionId=11285&isSrch=Yes
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 203272 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

I have VSD Version 6, Build 6 AND Shopping Cart Creator Version 3.7, Build 2751 full paid versions that I'm using (customer bought the software so it's not in my name. If I have to give his information to get help, I can). I have started to build a site in VSD and was at the point of adding in payment information so I then started up SCC but found that it wants you to create the site there. Is there a way I can import the pages I already have created as they do not have the .scc extension and are not recognized in SCC or how do I put a shopping cart in VSD? I read at the top of this post that you can link back and forth but I'm not sure how. I'm desperate for your help.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Sorry Dawn,

SCC is a site builder on it's own and is therefore unable to import site pages into it. You can use the Shopping Cart Designer though (Pro is always best bet for lots of features) to try to create a theme similar to what you have. You can also purchase themes for VSD that encompass the default Shopping Cart themes so you can keep them the same.

You are able to create extra pages with the Shopping Cart Creator also or you can create external pages as I have done for my shop (see the my signature's first link for external HTML page and the 2nd link for the actual SCC page) to compare how designs can really be built upon between them both and referenced etc.

I wish it was better news as far as being able to import your pages, but unfortunately you'll need to work with the SCC themes or purchase some new ones or use the Designer to create/edit your own.
User 203272 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

Dang -- I feel like I just wasted all my time and found out that my friend wasted his money now too. Do they have anything where you can update a program that you mistakenly bought because you didn't know what you were doing? He bought both the VSD and SCC at the same time. Not exactly - I think it was like a day or two apart. Thanks for responding but it sure was disappointing news. :(
User 2000538 Photo

Registered User
1,392 posts

I'm only new to this so may be talking rubbish. But my understanding is that its like creating two separate sites side by side at the one location. You have the main site created in VSD and then the shopping cart site created in SCC. You upload them separately and then link them.

So if you are using both, your main site done with VSD goes into your public_html folder and your cart goes into another which you might call something like public_html/shop

You can point your shopping cart to your VSD site so they are linked and you will get a special navigation button called Home on your shopping cart site.

Then on your main site you need to create a link to your shopping cart.

If you are just using SCC without another main site then your Shop Home becomes your home page and upload it straight into the public_html folder.

My first site using both is pretty basic and at
and another one I did using SCC and SCD Pro is at
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Yep that pretty much sums it up tassie and nice sites too, good job.

Suggestion: On your platypuscrafts site you might want to include the amounts of things such as the beads so people have some idea of what their money is going to buy them other than quality :)
User 31219 Photo

Registered User
58 posts

Can anyone say when the Shoping Cart Pro is due out ??? I have now limited my shop to local only because I want to add larger items and I believe the new version will have something with shipping weights in it. I will put it back to international when I get every thing sorted out and understand it more clearly.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

No ETA just yet as we are still collecting information from our beta testers.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 1970050 Photo

Registered User
151 posts

Can I add custom buttons to Shopping Cart Creator? I've made some for the main site I'm doing in VSD. It would nice for the whole site to have the same navagation buttons. All 8 or 9 of them and not just the ones that SCC makes. And if I can only have 3-4, how can I make them look the same as the ones on the main site? Looks like Jo Ann did it - but how? Also I don't see how to add graphics to the Shop Home or other static pages. (I did read the help file, and didn't see it.)

Marilyn near Las Vegas - VSD, CCD pro, SCC pro (web graphics) (travel photos)

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