Need payment system for my website -...

User 404575 Photo

Registered User
887 posts

Forgive me for not knowing what Shopping Cart Creator is. I haven't been back here in some time and don't see it in the Software section.

But I'm fed up with PayPal now and need an alternative.

I've been using PayPal to put payment buttons on my site at

So two things I need: A respected payment system to replace PayPal, and one with an easy to design button feature set.

As I charge only for services - not goods - PayPal buttons haven't been so good, and they seem more oriented for selling goods, than services like mine. For example, the problem we're having now is that I occasionally refund a client's money, if they turn out to no longer need my services after they paid. Sometimes they mistakenly pay for a service that's outside my coverage area, so I refund it. PayPal's "security" algorithm apparently freaks out at that, and they started putting holds on MY MONEY! Really ticked me off!

So I need to DUMP PAYPAL and find something easy to use, in their place.


Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
User 404575 Photo

Registered User
887 posts

Ok, I found Shopping Cart Creator under free stuff, which was why I couldn't find it before. Just gotta see if it can create forms and buttons for payment of services instead of goods...
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
User 404575 Photo

Registered User
887 posts

Is anyone reading this?
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,592 posts

Of course someone is reading it. I didn't want to suggest the Shopping cart as it is not responsive. But you may find other payment systems that you can use for your site. AFAIK there are also tutorials about this in the CC article repository.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 404575 Photo

Registered User
887 posts

Thanks Inger. Interesting point about responsive. I've been using Paypal since 2006 and am not sure about that being responsive along with my site.
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10

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