Option of an off-line payment ? -...

User 38401 Photo

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Hiya Anthony,

You could do this pretty easily if you don't have a ton of products, by using the Web Form Builder and creating a nice order form. You can add your products to a Drop Down list that they can choose from to make it easier for them. You could put this on an Order Now page or something similar and the only drawback I can see is that they would need to know which items for sure they wanted before they got there so they can choose from the drop down. You can duplicate the drop down (making sure you rename the label for each to something like product1, product2, etc.) and give them as many lines of product dropdowns as you like mimicing a line for each item ordered only they would just choose it instead of type it. This would give you the opportunity to include Item ID's if needed.

Just a thought in case that would work for you, good luck on it too!
User 2023634 Photo

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Notice how Scott NEVER got back to you on this one. ( Jan 4 2009)


I think it is because CCup do not want you to have that sort of control on your Shopping Cart.

Meaning they have done Deals with Companies like PayPal and the like, to keep it ALL "in-house".

I asked if they could include a check box on the payment page a VERY long time ago to offer my customers to pay by DIRECT BANK DEPOSIT.

ie: Customer ticks pay by Direct Bank Dep
It shows them my Bank Account Details on Checkout.
They Deposit the Dollars in my Bank Account
I send the product when I see the money in my Bank Account.

ONE SMALL CHECK BOX - And they say it CAN'T be done.

Hence my argument - They Have deals with PP and other companies!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I think Coffee Cup Software is Great. I just think they are protecting their interest Tooooo much and have LOST focus on the MAIN group. (THEIR CUSTOMERS) who have built their product up to where it is today.

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Merry Christmas. Remember this is a canned software package and can't be tailored to the needs of every individual. To say that CC is looking out for their own interests is a fair and them doing so would be reasonable. To say that CC has some sort of deal with PP, is stretching the imagination a bit far. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
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... And to say that CC has lost focus on their customers would likewise be stretching it way too far.

BTW, the customers have made feature and improvement suggestions, but CC themselves have built up the programmes to what they are today.

Oh, and Merry Christmas!
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 103173 Photo

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Do I hear a conspiracy theory brewing here Wayne? I only wish CoffeeCup and PayPal had some sort of "deal". That would be so great! :)

It is not as easy as some people may think integrating a merchant into a shopping cart. Every merchant out there has a different way of doing things. Some merchants want a cookie to be set, others want certain information variables to be passed to them. Now take that and design an interface that can accommodate every possible variable all these merchants may need. We then also have to make sure that each merchant works with all the existing features of the software.

Another problem is not every merchant offers a sandbox type of feature allowing software developers to work with their API. This means that we would need to pay for and setup an account with each merchant. Just think of that on a large scale with every possible merchant through out the world.

So while some may think this is something that can be handled during a coffee break, that is far from the truth. ;)

Merry Christmas. I am going to have some OJ and cookies. ;)
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Garf wrote:
Scott, the queries from papasan and steve jay are very vaild. Off-line payments should be a standard option in this sware. I have received 2 requests to build websites to sell real-estate. One from Canada and one from Maroq. Both clients will not accept Ppal or Google checkout but bank-transfers to notaries e.g., please also take into account that certain clients in 3rd world countries are not up to par with e-payments. Until the global economy abolishes that good old - in god we trust - it is still a standard way of payment. Btw when beaming over to Holland - look me up...lots to c lots to do. Garf.


Replies I got from Scott .......................

I have Shopping Cart Creator and I am thinking of updating to PRO.

Does the Pro Version NOW have the ability for my Customers to Pay by Direct Deposit to my Bank Account.

They don't have to enter any info just click on a check box to bypass the pay by Paypal and get my Bank Account details instead.

When I see the $$$ in my Account I then post out the product.

Today at 10:18 AM
Scott Swedorski
VP of Product Development

Scotts REPLY


At this time, Shopping Cart Creator basic only accepts payment through PayPal. With Shopping Cart Creator Pro, you can use PayPal, Google Checkout, Authorize.net, 2Checkout and World Pay. We do not have support for adding custom merchants at this time.

For more information on each of these merchants, please see http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … u-support/
Scott A. Swedorski
VP of Product Development

Today at 05:05 PM | Edit Post
Registered User


It's NOT a Custom Merchant.

It's a Checkbox for customer to SELECT to bypass the checkout (NOT PAY) and be Presented with a Screen which has My Bank Account Details !!!!!!



Today at 05:47 PM
Scott Swedorski
VP of Product Development

Scott Reply
For our purposes, that is still a payment method. If you do not want to take money you can just not enable any merchant and add payment instructions on the cart page.
Scott A. Swedorski
VP of Product Development


User 2023634 Photo

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Certainly Gets People Biting Doesnt it!!!!!! ;)

I STILL don't understand, it's NOT a new Merchant ???? that I am asking about. :|

It's having a Radio Button on the Page when building the site to ACTUALLY " Turn OFF" the PAY function.

Add in your own text so that when you are taken to the Checkout page " Your Details for how to Pay" are there.
User 2023634 Photo

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11 posts

NO I don't want to set up a second shopping cart either. That's a bit too much.

I'll probably get booted of here now for speaking out.

Maybe Julian Asange can Help!
User 2023634 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Anthony Temporal wrote:
Just going through all the posts and came across this one. We are a wholesaler and would like a off line payment as we sell on 30 days credit. Has there been any further development on this?


That will be something found eventually in SCC Pro.

When??? Lots asking, option of an ofline payment post dates back about 2 years.

Very frustrating WAITING. I know I have had a winge on here BUT I really do like CC software :D:)
User 122279 Photo

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Wayne Junor wrote:
NO I don't want to set up a second shopping cart either. That's a bit too much.

I'll probably get booted of here now for speaking out.

Maybe Julian Asange can Help!

CC don't delete people from these forums for speaking their mind, not even if they differ from their own. If you're interested, you find the forum guidelines here: http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/welcome … uidelines/
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

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