Post your Shops here! - Post ID 106214

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Gyress,

yes indeed that looks much nicer for sure, very well done :)
User 36296 Photo

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Thank You
Thank You
Thank you
"Doing what you like is Freedom!
Liking what you do is Happiness!"
User 1167923 Photo

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Hello group,

OK, Here is my contribution thus far...

Started earlier this week...Always will be a work in progress.

The past 10 years or so we have gotten by on website publishing with MS Publisher and cc ftp, then with paypal "buttons" inserted where needed. Time to change.

Very happy with my new "friend", SCC, but I still need some features.

1) I need more thumbnails to show 6 or 12 colors. (see my Benches & Gliders)

2) An item may have 2 or 3 variations, therefore need 2 or 3 different prices. (see my Hammocks)

I searched the forums, and I think the answers are all addressed in the new version, correct?

Thanks in advance,
Bill Mc ...Since 1993. Tell your friends.
User 2641572 Photo

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1,245 posts

Hi Bill. Nice clean looking site you have there. E-commerce sites always look far more professional with a integrated cart facility, instead of using payment buttons. A lot more practical for multi purchases too.

With regards to the thumbnails, the restrictions with the product description colorbox viewer means that is currently limited to four images per product. I don't know if it is possible to increase that number at some stage in the future.

The pro version will be a separate purchased program with a lot more features available for those that have needs for a more advanced solution. Although I can't comment on the exact features until the official announcement, I can tell you that price variants on product options has been a highly requested feature and the pro version has been developed on feedback from existing customers within these forums. :cool:
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Bill, nice site, makes me wanna be outside more... ok maybe not but it's always a nice thought in my head hehe.

One of the things I've done to accommodate multiple color/style variations was to take my images and make a collage basically of them. You can see an example here in the new items I just added: … groupid=23
There are so many styles to show I couldn't possibly fill enough boxes lol, so that works pretty well and it would most likely work for you too. :)

User 36296 Photo

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36 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
One of the things I've done to accommodate multiple color/style variations was to take my images and make a collage basically of them. You can see an example here in the new items I just added: … groupid=23
There are so many styles to show I couldn't possibly fill enough boxes lol, so that works pretty well and it would most likely work for you too. :)

Now that is an idea I had not thought of. I Like it!!!!!!!!

I also like your shop Bill It is clean and flows nicely.
"Doing what you like is Freedom!
Liking what you do is Happiness!"
User 562592 Photo

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2,038 posts

Nice clean shop bill. Liked it a lot. Its a really difficult balance between what looks amateur and what looks more professional with CCSC. You did a good job making it look professional.
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.

My Web Development Company: (Created with Coffee Cup Software).

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User 1873422 Photo

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Heya Bill, Ithere's nothing I can say that hasn't been said -- nice, clean, professional and direct.

I like the shop, and I do feel that I could offer a suggestion to boost customer confidence, and that is to have a page which advices your customers with regards to shipping and delivery of the furnitures, since they kinda look bulky and requires quite a logistics. A customer that feels at east, knowing how well their purchase is taken care of is definitely a happy customer.

Since it's still an on-going process for you, it'd be nice to see your final version. Update us~

AND what do you get when you mix SCC + SCD + MAR?

This: My simple online shop, wholly done with those 2 excellent and extremely friendly to use coffee cup softwares.

Don't hesitate to feedback any broken/ugly stuffs please. Thanks!
My tee shirt site, warmly and fuzzily done with SCC + SCD. I kinda like it even if I've yet to sell any shirts! Hah!

Catch me and say hi!. I don't bite, but I will help you with your website so you can kickstart your web presence today.
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Mar - The only ? I have is on your pricing, there is an S in front of the $ is that intentional? Has my daughters blondeness rubbed off on me today? It just seemed out of place.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 2000538 Photo

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Phil wrote:
Mar - The only ? I have is on your pricing, there is an S in front of the $ is that intentional? Has my daughters blondeness rubbed off on me today? It just seemed out of place.

I think it might be Singapore $
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

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