Post your Shops here! - Post ID 79104

User 539803 Photo

Registered User
2,156 posts

I have had this problem numerouse times

It was because i was pointing a url at my webpage

IE pointed at webpage which was actually on my domain

Obviously the above now all works so no point trying it

If you go directly to the actual hosting page doese it work ok ?

if yes its may be the same problem, I rectified mine by creating a new homepage with visual site designer and creating the link from that to the cart in a new window, with its own browser.

hope that helps
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 539803 Photo

Registered User
2,156 posts

J Mack Taylor wrote:

i cant get anything to save in the shopping cart.

the cart shows up, you can see each item, but once you click add to cart, you get the message, no items are in your cart. whats my problem?

I forgot to mention the url i was pointing is parked at a different hosting company to my main domain, and website, i think this is the cause of the problem in my case anyway.
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 515676 Photo

38 posts

Got the store up and running now, easy to change things and update products etc.
Some say it can't be done, while others are doing it.
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts


Very nice! Looks well thought out and though I didn't "test" everything, what I did try out worked as expected. One suggestion (if I might), being the devious electronic type myself I'd steer clear of putting detailed schematics on the shop. If you want to keep them on there, I might blur out some of the details. While it may not be "easy" to build the item, some may do it just out of spite.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 449453 Photo

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7 posts

Coffee Cup saved my BUSINESS!! :D I just went through a complete server CRASH on Friday March 16. :mad: I also had some bad support from a firm that WAS paid to automate my download files... ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

I had to manually email 3,165 downloads and it took me 108 hours. I know... I know.... :rolleyes: I wasn't EVEN aware of YouSendIt until I came here to download the Shopping Cart Creator!!

WHAT A LIFE SAVER! I managed to restore some of my missing data from a corrupt backups and worked only 8 hours to upload a new shopping cart! My customers were very appreciative and sales began once again after just a 24 hour down time. :cool:

I use YouSendIt as suggested because I'm 100% download media for the machine embroidery trade and private consumer. I no longer will invest $$ in firms that promise the ability to handle large hits for download requests and then flip the switch off on you leaving YOU to smooth feathers with customers!

I've employed an Senior Citizen member of our community who is bored with retirement to sit and be the human on the other end of the sale for the customer. He's so happy to do so and I'm happy to be a benefit to his day. :D

Your suggestions really got me up and running fast and for that I am truly grateful! ONE SATISFIED CUSTOMER! :D

My site is:

As I'm NOT versed in HTML, I am looking forward, once things settle back down, to learning with you all here at Coffee Cup! ;)
Teriann Shrum
Kitty Kitty Designs, LLC
User 184435 Photo

Registered User
24 posts

Even though there are some features I would LOVE to see and would make this product even BETTER... I must say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!!! Thanks Scott!!!!

Then click on the banner "Common Ground Central"

Newbie Wannabe in Training
User 1874128 Photo

Registered User
13 posts

I am new at this stuff, but here it is:
You can't order anything yet, because I am waiting for paypal to straighten out some problems.

They are slooow.

User 1880629 Photo

1 post

I am Joseph. Thanks for the information.

Credit Card Debt
User 130978 Photo

3,025 posts

Teriann Shrum wrote:

My site is:

As I'm NOT versed in HTML, I am looking forward, once things settle back down, to learning with you all here at Coffee Cup! ;)


I may be sounding really dumb here, but what is it you do? Do you design stitch patterns, or make and sell "patches"...I am thinking it must be patterns because you are sending virtual files...but if you make patches, do you do custom work? Can you take an image and make a patch of it?


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