problem with shopping cart - Post ID...

User 513930 Photo

Trial User
3 posts

i downloaded the trial of the shopping cart and installed...everything looked great beside the ftp upload, could be becouse i use vista x64 anyway i fixed it with export and upload when i run the shop everything seem to work until you press "add to cart" then this message is showing "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ob_get_level() in /home/users/w3-1714/shop/controller.php on line 103"

and when i press back on internet and "view cart" it has been registrated and i could end the buy

does anyone know what could be wrong with the php?
User 122279 Photo

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We haven't yet got to know this new piece of software yet, but hang on, I'm calling in the experts...
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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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What is the url to your cart? It sounds like your server does not meet the minimum requirements. … e.754.html
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User 513930 Photo

Trial User
3 posts


here is the link to it

i haven't link it yet from the main site so this is only way in..yet
did the php test here is the link

it's only 4.1.2 so it can be therefore it don't work very well

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Your server does not meet the minimum requirements to use the software. You need to have PHP 4.47 or higher. … ertest.php

You also have an issue with cURL.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 513930 Photo

Trial User
3 posts

well i'll see what i can do, have to talk with the one that own the server so they can update.

thanks for the help.

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