Problems uploading - Post ID 78669

User 1873818 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Every time I try to publish my shopping cart, I get a Windows message that Shopping Cart.exe has encountered a problem. This happens as it is "calculating."

Has anyone else run into this?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Can you provide a bit more information?

1. URL to your Website
2. Operating System you are using
3. Version of the application
4. Are you using the trial or registered version
5. What specific steps have you taken to create this issue?
6. Does it occur every time?
7. Can you recreate this on another computer?
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User 1873818 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

2. Windows XP
3. Ver. 3.1
4. Registered
5. Not sure what you mean. I have uninstalled, deleted scc.lic files, plus any other saved copies of the program I can find on the computer, rebooted, downloaded a fresh version of S.C., and tried to publish again.
6. Yes, it happens every time. And I have repeated #5 several times.
7. Can I create the problem on another computer? Yes, I tried publishing on my laptop. When it doesn't hang at the testing connection step, it gives me the same error message.

The problem as I see it is that I need to delete the shop I created, purge every single file I can find associated with the shop and start from scratch and that is a huge waste of my time and money. Every day I am offline I'm paying for hosting, but I'm not selling any products - I'm losing money.

Right now, I'm not a happy camper.
User 210406 Photo

Registered User
11 posts

I'm having a similar issue. I select the "publish" menu item, which saves the store, publishes it and starts the ftp process. I'm running an ftp server on my local machine, so network latency isn't an issue. But regardless, even when I attempt to publish the site to my host provider, this same issue happens. I have tested the ftp process with other applications and it always works fine.
The issue with your shopping cart creator is this: the upload process gets as far as "synchronizing" and testing the connection, but won't go any further.
I'm using WinXP (Service pack 3), guildftp server damon and coffee cup shopping cart version 3.1, Build 0, Full version
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

What I would suggest is each of you open a support ticket so we can look into this a bit more. This is what we will need to figure out the cause:

1. Hold down the Shift key and double-click the Shopping Cart Creator desktop shortcut. A dialog box will appear asking if you wish to enable the log file. Answer Yes and make a note of the provided path.

2. Try to recreate the issue that caused Shopping Cart Creator to crash.

3. When it crashes, e-mail the log file to us.

4. Send me your SharedSettings.ccs located at

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\


As a work around, you can go to the File Menu and export the server files and then upload them manually with any FTP program.
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User 449453 Photo

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7 posts

Bingo! That's what I was trying to say this past weekend... thanks for posting this... I receive the same problem while publishing... but only as the software begins the synchronizing phase.

I went around it by using Coffee Cup's FTP software. Of course that bypasses the sync.xml... but at least I wasn't stopped in furthering my work.

I'm using Windows Vista 32-bit. Thanks for the instructions Scott. I'll do the same.
Teriann Shrum
Kitty Kitty Designs, LLC
User 2328197 Photo

Registered User
26 posts

Having the same problem here. Finally got something together to test and I can't get it up on the net. It happens when it starts the upload process.
User 2328197 Photo

Registered User
26 posts

I would love to send you the file but there wasn't a one named SharedSettings.ccs in the folder you specified. I have Windows XP AMD 64 bit.

I can send you the log file though.
User 542425 Photo

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6 posts

I had a problem at first with the program crashing the very first time I tried to upload. My site is hosted on Media Temple, so I chose that option, but it would crash and close the program. I finally chose "Other" instead of Media Temple and it is working fine.

I believe the Media Temple option didn't work because when I set up my FTP access at MT, I set a custom path (/domains/ so I would be taken directly to my web site's root folder. However, I did change the path in the Shopping Cart software to /shop, but I still had problems with the program crashing.

As I said though, it is working fine now that it is set to other.
User 484244 Photo

Registered User
34 posts

Also had problems uploading the test page. Made it past the synchronization stage to where it said uploading, then i get a generic Program Error, do i want to send a report to Microsoft.

Used my FTP program to upload the two folders created by the cart process X-html and X-server. So i can look at the pages on my site.

Why do I have this banner that says 'Preview only, not a working cart'? What am I doing wrong here?

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