Setting up downloadable product...

User 156085 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Digital download? I am waiting for a CC solution, can you give me an update?

Love your products, own almost all of them - really need digital download capability asap.

User 2021077 Photo

Registered User
16 posts

I use digital downloading for my products, I used to use Linklok Paypal by Vibralogix, but since using Emals Ecommerce currently I use Linklok Emals, it sends out the emails to customers with the links on it and can be set for limits. However when I open the new shop up with CC I will go back to the Linklok Paypal one, as this works via the paypal buttons. Cloaking the area where the products are held, but thats fine too as the products are held in a locked folder on the server. I have used Vibralogix for three years now without any issue, and easy to set up, and support is great. Of course if CC makes one then I will switch over, keep it all in the family...
Ian Dodd
Stay On The Right Side Of The Tracks, Say NO To Drugs!!!
My Web Shop

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