Shopping cart and Tax - Post ID 76006

User 515676 Photo

38 posts

I have a similar need for a tax option.
Here in Australia we have to charge GST of 10% on all sales, but if the customer is off-shore then no tax is applicable. I need a function that can choose for either AU or the rest of the world.
Some say it can't be done, while others are doing it.
User 164622 Photo

Registered User
21 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
We are trying to keep this Tax function as simple and easy to use as possible. What would be the minimum setup you would want to see? Please keep in mind that our software is easy to use and we want to keep the flow of all functions easy to use.

Here is our idea. In the software have a way to define a tax % based on state, country or province and how to apply the tax to the order. You can then add as many as you like. This would have countries that have 2 taxes as well.

Now in your cart, on the check out page allow the customer to select a shipping location. Based on their input, that will be the tax applied.

How would something like that work for everyone?

I think most locations in the US require collecting a sales tax for sales in that State. And the percentage is based on the location of the seller (some Counties have different sales tax rates - but the rate is based on seller's location). The trick is to determine the buyer's State to trigger the tax assessment. It appears that Google and Paypal will do this - but not if a tax tag is sent within the information sent by the cart. If there is a way to switch off the tax tag - this looks like it will solve the issue for may users (and me too).

Just my 2 cents.

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