Phil wrote:
Yep, I'm country, and I can't stand being in cities. Does that make me a freak? I sure don't think so.
I live in a small village in the countryside Phil and share your thoughts on cities.
One of the reasons I decided to work from home, was so I could stay in that peaceful country environment in the daytime too. Have never looked back.
To those of you that are curious as to why Scott has not given any details on the forthcoming
pro Cart Creator yet, it's due to the fact that there have been lots of minor changes to the existing code and the inclusion of some new features since the first beta went out to the testers.
Everything that has gone into the extended development time on this product, has been to create a fuller featured product, that can be deployed in a much wider range of business environments. For those that build shops for others, you will have a higher specification solution to offer to your clients. For those that have current trading shops online, the pro version is going to make your life far easier, as you will have substantially increased flexibility with the new feature sets.
I know you all want the program yesterday, but hang on in there for a little while longer. All I can tell you, is it will be worth the extra wait.