Uploading Site - Post ID 101632

User 2031864 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

When I filled out the server data I did not store my password. After several attempts to upload and endless errors, I stored my password and the upload went flawless. It's this a glitch in the system?

I would prefer to not store my password.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

hiya bychance,

It's not actually "storing" your password, it's accessing your account info to access your server to upload. There is no way to do this without putting your ID & Password into the software because it's basically doing an FTP of the files to your server. You would have to do the same thing with an FTP program to upload things also. This password is not saved externally, it's internally right on your own computer so no one else has access to it that you don't give access to on your own computer.

The only other way is to take it out every time you get done editing things in the cart and before you shut down the program, but that's quite a lot of hassle lol. Your password is safe on your own computer, same as if you were entering any other registration key for your software.

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